Look!!! These funny guys. Which one did you perfer?
Inverse Kinematics involves calculating the joint angles needed to move the legs to a specific position, this can be achieved by using a geometrical analysis. However, this alone will not allow mechDOG to walk; for this, we will need to synchronize the motion between the legs and include so…
The "TurtleBot" might have the name of one of nature's slowest creatures — but make no mistake, this powerful piece of equipment represents a rapid leap forward for robotics development. With the new TurtleBot 4 Mobile Robot coming soon this fall, the next-generation robotic …
This application presents how to create a shear wave tensiometer that can track tendon forces inside the body during dynamic activities, using a Raspberry Pi 4B and MCC 172 IEPE.
Only time will tell, but for art dealers, collectors, and tech enthusiasts, robot art is already making its presence felt in the mainstream art world.
Robots have the potential to go where humans cannot, salvage what we cannot, and rescue who we cannot.These opportunities make underwater robotics a lucrative growth market, one that can make a real difference in people’s lives. From cleaning up shipwrecks and spills to saving human lives,…
Robots assist patients in each part of the health care industry. From conducting at-home monitoring to diagnosing conditions, they help the world pair efficiency with care.
"The Rise of the Quadruped Robots" sounds like something out of decades-ago science fiction. However, in today's robotics world, quadruped robots have advanced to both the front pages and the front line; defined as robots employing four legs to move around for their missions, quadr…
We will explain the concept and design of brushed DC motor driver in this post.
Time of flight is the latest technology for accurate and affordable distance sensors. This is the first in a series of three articles bringing you the fundamentals of Time-of-Flight technology.
Optical distance sensors are the culmination of decades of research and development (R&D) in the field of optoelectronics. This subset of photonics is concerned with the application of electronic devices that detect, emit, and modulate light to accomplish an extremely diverse range of functi…
Simple setup enables a 2D radar to trigger a camera to capture an image of an approaching object (animal, person, vehicle).
From chat bots to self-healing vehicles, artificial intelligence is rapidly changing the way we work and live. Most professions are already feeling the effects of advanced technology. There are several specific ways that artificial intelligence is changing the landscape in a variety of industrie…
Soft robotics involves highly compliant materials; it is a subfield of robotics focused on creating robots that act very similar to living organisms, including the way they move and adapt to surroundings. Now that we have a better glimpse of what robotic applications in soft robotics may be, let…
FMCW radar reports distances to multiple objects over a wide field of view.
Robots aren't just for play and tinkering. While it's fun to put robot parts together, did you know that rescue operators and firefighters also rely on them to save lives? Professional and Service Robots are often used in hazardous environments because they can do things that h…