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If you see a topic, a reply or even a user that do not deserve to be on our Community, you can report it by clicking on the flag icon hidden by the three-dot icon under the post. When clicking on the Flag icon, the “Thanks for helping to keep our community civil!” window will appear.
The first section, Send @username a message, is if you want to talk to this person directly and personally about the post.
The second section is to Notify staff privately.
It's Off-Topic: This post is not relevant to the current discussion as defined by the title and first post, and should probably be moved elsewhere. It's Inappropriate: This post contains content that a reasonable person would consider offensive, abusive, or a violation of our community guidelines.
It's Spam: This post is an advertisement, or vandalism. It is not useful or relevant to the current topic.
Something Else: This post requires staff attention for another reason not listed above.
You can also flag the entire topic at the bottom with the same Flag function using the icon. When you click on it, the pop-up window ‘’Thanks for helping to keep our community civil!’’ will appear, showing the same reporting options to Notify staff privately.
You can also contact the Community Support team. Note that the support function is only dedicated to issues related to the platform or its contents. Any technical support that does not concern the platform itself needs to be redirected to the forum in public or private format.
When you’re on click on “Write a tutorial” below the search field.
You’ll then pass through our easy-to-use step-by-step creation form that will help you put the best version possible of your tutorial online.
You can comeback to any step anytime by clicking the section title in the left sidebar.
Once ready, hit publish!
Head over to your user control panel, then click on “My Content” in the left sidebar.
Identify the tutorial you want to edit in the list, and click on edit in the last column to the right.
Once you’re editing the tutorial, you can navigate directly to the section you want to update by clicking on the section title in the left sidebar.
Once ready, hit publish!
When you’re on click on “Share your robot” below the search field.
You’ll then pass through our easy-to-use step-by-step creation form that will help you put the best version possible to showcase your robot online.
You can comeback to any step anytime by clicking the section title in the left sidebar.
Once ready, hit publish!
Head over to your user control panel, then click on “My Content” in the left sidebar.
Identify the robot you want to edit in the list, and click on edit in the last column to the right.
Once you’re editing the tutorial, you can navigate directly to the section you want to update by clicking on the section title in the left sidebar.
Once ready, hit publish!
When you’re on click on “Write a post” below the search field.
You’ll then pass through our easy-to-use publication interface that will help you put the best version possible of your post online.
Once ready, hit publish!
Head over to your user control panel, then click on “My Content” in the left sidebar.
Identify the blog post you want to edit in the list, and click on edit in the last column to the right.
Edit the fields you want to update and once ready, hit publish!
While we want you to keep your entire freedom of expression, we’d like to share the following guidelines on how to create the best content possible for a blog post. By following these guidelines, you’ll maximize the potential of your content.
• Write for all readers. Some people will read every word you write. Others will just skim. Help everyone read better by grouping related ideas together and using descriptive headers and subheaders.
• Focus your message. Create a hierarchy of information. Lead with the main point or the most important content, in sentences, paragraphs, sections, and pages.
• Be concise. Use short words and sentences. Avoid unnecessary modifiers.
• Be specific. Avoid vague language. Cut the fluff.
Creating good content
The recipe to create good content is pretty easy
• Compelling : content should generate emotional engagement in our readers. Whether it’s enthusiasm, curiosity, or just thinking.
• Structured : content should be made of structured and identified thoughts. Make paragraphs and use headers.
• Illustrated : huge chunks of texts are neither compelling nor structured. Throw an image or two in it.
• Complete : don’t leave people missing part of the topic.
Creating structured content
A basic structure would be
• Title
• Introduction : 1-3 sentences introducing the topic and what the result is going to be
• Body : Made of different parts, identified by headers.
• Each part can have sub-parts, identified by sub-headers
• Conclusion
• Additional links / Sources
Remember to break down your paragraphs in 3-4 sentences blocks each focusing on one idea/concept. Each sentence shouldn’t have more than 25 words, and ideally be under 14 words.
• Plain language: When we use words people understand, our content is more findable, accessible, and inclusive. We shouldn’t assume the level of English of our audience, and we should always aim to make our content as easy to understand as possible.
• Write positively: Use positive language rather than negative language. One way to detect negative language is to look for words like “can’t,” “don’t,” etc.
Yes: To get a donut, stand in line.
No: You can’t get a donut if you don’t stand in line.
First use: Network Operations Center
Second use: NOC
First use: Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
Second use: UTC
Yes: Marti logged into the account.
No: The account was logged into by Marti.
Good imagery can dramatically improve the overall quality of a post. Note that it is recommended to use your own pictures. If it is not possible, be sure to use images without copyrights.
• We suggest using the following specs:
• Minimum size : 1000x390 px
• Minimum resolution : 72DPI
• Format : JPEG or PNG
• Compressed with Caesium to ensure the size of the file is as small as possible (optional)
• Try to use images that are easily readable
• Subject is clearly identified
• Photography is correctly exposed (neither over nor under)
• Clarity/Contrast is kept at a natural level
• Subject is not at the exact border - either keep a space, or cross it boldly.
Actions taken in the Community grant you points. Whether it’s writing a tutorial or creating a forum post.
The amount of points you have determines your level.
The leaderboards are a list of the users who marked the most points in the last 7 days, the last 30 days, or Lifetime.
You can see also if an user has increased their number of points compared to the last period of time with a visual indicator (green/red triangle)
Click on the “Ask a question” button on the Forums’ homepage.
You’ll then be asked to describe your problem. This searches our knowledge base to see if someone has already encountered the issue you’re facing.
You’ll then be asked to describe your problem. This search our knowledge base to see if someone has already encountered the issue you’re facing.
This makes sure that we don’t end up with too many duplicate topics for the same issue, and improves the quality of the knowledge base by centralizing the discussions in a single topic.
In the unfortunate event where the search wouldn’t return any results regarding your issue, you can create a new forum post to describe your problem and get help.
If your problem requires a confidential treatment, you can elect to ask a private question.
This feature is open to all. We don’t offer any guarantee about when or if you will receive an answer.
Please make sure to read our Terms & Conditions, especially the 1.2.1 Responsability and Endorsement section before using this service
1.2.1. Responsibility and Endorsement
RobotShop takes no responsibility for, and does not expressly or implicitly endorse, and does not assume any liability for any User Content submitted through the Services