Visualize ROS topics including PointCloud2, Image, NavSatFix, time-series plots, and more from inside the terminal using ASCII/Unicode art.
The emerging field of nanorobotics may still be in its nascent stages, but increasing investments in this technology show promise for the future. Considering all the potential of continued research and development of nanobots, here are a few considerations to take into account for the state of n…
Riverdi company is the leader in intelligent TFT display modules. We use cutting-edge technologies and the experience gained for years on the market, thus we can provide the best display solution for the specific application. The modularity of our products makes it possible to accomplish va…
CES 2019 was quite eventful this year with a whole bunch of new robots announced. If everything goes right, you might even be able to get your hands on a couple of robots on this list in the following year! There is no clear order in this list, I just wanted to show off the ones that struck me t…
A simple motion detection solution with object filtering is available using short range radar sensors.
If you ask a normal consumer what activities they associate with Amazon, most will still refer to their e-commerce platform. Amazon however has many, many areas of development, one of which is A.I. development. On November 26, Amazon announced that the courses used to train their engineers in A.…
The age-old question? Can machines think? My answer: yes, but not yet. Plenty of people will disagree, but before you jump to conclusions, read on.
Congratulations to Saildrone which have just raised $60 million in series B funding (May 2018) to continue development and deployment of their autonomous sailing robot. Saildrone, which launched commercially in 2016, has as its current mission is to build and deploy a fleet of 1,000 fully autono…
This is the last part of three in our series "Why Do We Need Robots?". The goal is to highlight the major reasons why robotics will be part of our future, and an essential one, by looking a bit further. While the democratization of robots is rendering them more and more present in our daily live
This is the second part of three in our series "Why Do We Need Robots?". The goal is to highlight the major reasons why robotics will be part of our future, and an essential one, by looking a bit further. While the democratization of robots is rendering them more and more present in our daily l
This first part of our series "Why Do We Need Robots?" is looking at why the current demography trends makes a future full of robots essential for mankind.
Most of you, by now, are likely aware of the RPLIDAR 360° Laser Scanner. This amazing product gave hobbyists everywhere the chance to get started on SLAM-based projects at an affordable cost and with a piece of equipment of good quality. Of course, improvements to this product were possible and Rob…
Can past technological accomplishments help predict future disruptive technology and innovations or should we try to think outside the box? Science fiction books, TV shows and movies provides a great source for inspiration, but what will robots really be like in the next 25, 50 or 100 years?
We live in a world where technology is moving fast. In order to manage these rapid changes and to stay up to date with the world around us, we need to develop our understanding of how technology works and develop skills and capabilities, that will help us adapt to the evolution of technology. Lea
Have you heard of augmented reality or virtual reality? As wikipedia puts it, augmented reality (AR) is a live, direct or indirect, view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data. There is a l…
Leap Motion Gesture Controller RobotShop recently received samples of the new Leap Motion gesture input device and see incredible potential for use with manipulating virtual objects as well as for control or physical robots. When you first see the Leap Motion device on its own, it's almost impo…