Robot communication is essential to allow them to coordinate and collaborate with each other. Here's a deep dive into how the communication process works.
Robotic sensors are key components in next-gen robots. Proximity and motion sensors can help improve safety, while LiDAR can optimize robotic navigation. Plus, adding AI and IoT can further optimize robotics processes. These benefits help make robotics safer and more efficient.
This application presents how to create a shear wave tensiometer that can track tendon forces inside the body during dynamic activities, using a Raspberry Pi 4B and MCC 172 IEPE.
Time of flight is the latest technology for accurate and affordable distance sensors. This is the first in a series of three articles bringing you the fundamentals of Time-of-Flight technology.
Optical distance sensors are the culmination of decades of research and development (R&D) in the field of optoelectronics. This subset of photonics is concerned with the application of electronic devices that detect, emit, and modulate light to accomplish an extremely diverse range of functi…