How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the World

From chat bots to self-healing vehicles, artificial intelligence is rapidly changing the way we work and live. Most professions are already feeling the effects of advanced technology. There are several specific ways that artificial intelligence is changing the landscape in a variety of industries.

Customer Service

Artificial intelligence is providing customers with consistent, quality service. According to AI Business, artificial intelligence is able to provide personalized assistance more efficiently than a human. This is because a customer's information is already embedded into the system. This information would include previous queries and purchasing habits. Each time a customer contacts the company AI will have learned a little bit more about the individual. The system can then apply that knowledge to any future interactions.


Everything from driverless cars to smart train tracks will impact the transportation industry. Autonomous trucks and buses are already in use on a small scale in places like China and Singapore. Automated public transport and driverless trucks for shipping isn't the only advanced technology on the horizon. Artificial intelligence is also playing a role in predicting, patrolling and improving overall traffic safety. Not only will self-driving vehicles occupy the streets, but they'll advance in ways few could have imagined.

  • Self-Healing - Self-healing vehicles are already beginning to detect errors and have the ability to fix the problems.
  • Self-Learning - This is a vehicle that can understand and utilize the behavior of the driver, other occupants and the environment.
  • Self-Socializing - Some vehicles will have the ability to interact on various levels with other vehicles, human beings and infrastructure.


Most people think of the legal field as attorneys arguing cases in front of judges and juries. They may have a hard time seeing how artificial intelligence can make much of an impact in this profession. Much of what goes into the legal field, however, is research and digging through case files. This is where AI will make the biggest impact. AI can scan legal records, review documents and scan reams of data. Forbes states that artificial intelligence will assist with client interviews. People tend to be more honest with a machine since the machine isn't judgmental.


AI is at the forefront of amazing developments in the medical field. Health IT Analytics lists several specific ways that artificial intelligence will impact healthcare. Smartphones and other portable devices will soon produce images that are high quality enough to use as diagnostic tools. This will aid those in remote locations and underserved communities. Individuals will learn how to monitor their health through wearables. Those admitted to the hospital will likely have virtual nursing assistants monitoring their care. AI will also use electronic health records (EHR) to analyze and predict potential health risks.


Artificial intelligence is changing education in a variety of ways. ScholarshipOwl reports that AI can grade papers and check for plagiarism. But that's just the beginning. Apps powered with artificial intelligence are providing personalized tutoring and instant feedback for students. This type of technology is also providing learners the ability to access any course at any time. Almost anyone with a computer will be able to engage in higher learning.


There are several areas in the manufacturing field that AI is already changing. Automation is probably the biggest area. Everything from assembly automation to clerical duties are increasingly accomplished with advanced technology. Security clearances using facial recognition and software that looks out for online fraud are just a few other ways AI is changing the industry.

These advancements are likely only the beginning. As artificial intelligence continues to expand, it will soon affect almost every area of our lives.

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