I am a Venezuelan Electronic Engineer with experience in robotics projects and computer vision. I am a robotics enthusiast who loves to pursue new challenges and from experience I know that it is not always an easy task so when possible I try to help those who need some assistance with their own projects. Electronics and its applications are topics that I am passionate about so I always try to keep up with the latest technologies. If you are also interested in these topics I encourage you to visit: https://beacons.ai/edgetronics
Level 15
3885 points
I am a Venezuelan Electronic Engineer with experience in robotics projects and computer vision. I am a robotics enthusiast who loves to pursue new challenges and from experience I know that it is not always an easy task so when possible I try to help those who need some assistance with their own projects. Electronics and its applications are topics that I am passionate about so I always try to keep up with the latest technologies. If you are also interested in these topics I encourage you to visit: https://beacons.ai/edgetronics
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