Want to get a robot for your home? Get some inspiration on how you can use robots to make your life more enjoyable.
Call For Reviewers Let's Make Robots and RobotShop would like to invite you to participate in our "Call for reviewers" on Let´s Make Robots (LMR). Reviews are great for both manufacturers and LMR members, so both can share expertise and parts. What do they gain? Manufacturers: they gai
Have you heard of augmented reality or virtual reality? As wikipedia puts it, augmented reality (AR) is a live, direct or indirect, view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data. There is a l…
Miele is a German company that has been in the production of high end household appliances for over 100 years. They established themselves in North America about 25 years ago and have been producing vacuum cleaners since 1927. Since then they have manufactured appliances with high power, functional
We are proud to announce that the "Neato Botvac Connected " robot vacuum will soon be available at RobotShop. A release date will be announced shortly, and more information to come.
Dans ce chapitre de notre Guide de réparation du Litter-Robot II, nous allons vous aider à remplacer la Carte du circuit sur votre Litter-Robot II.
This guide will help you with the replacement of the Litter-Robot circuit board. This is chapter 2 of the RobotShop Litter-Robot II repair guides.
Dans ce chapitre de notre Guide de réparation du Litter-Robot II, nous allons vous aider à remplacer le moteur de votre Litter-Robot II. Vous pouvez trouver ici nos Guides de dépannage du Litter-Robot II : Guide basique de dépannage du Litter-Robot II Guide avanc&eacu…
In this chapter of our Litter-Robot II Repair Guide, we will help you replace the motor on your Litter-Robot II. You can find our Litter-Robot II troubleshooting guides here: Litter-Robot II Basic Troubleshooting Guide Litter-Robot II Advanced Troubleshooting Guide
Robotic pets are becoming more and more common and more present in households. These artificially intelligent machines made to ressemble common pets such as cats and dogs now mimic pets more naturally and are less work to take care of than actual pets. Over the years we have heard customers name th…
Willingly or not, the grass is growing and needs to be cut. Time to put those grass cutting shoes and pants, get the lawn mower ready for use and all this under sweating temperatures. You're thinking of all the other things you could be enjoying at that moment while cutting the grass, or you're jus
We are proud to announced to our customers that the new Botvac D Series is available at RobotShop! These new models feature a combo brush that is uniquely designed to pick up pet hair and is quieter, too, especially on hard floors like wood and tile.
With the release of our Lynxmotion Quadrino Nano UAV Flight Controller, we developed an improved version of the Quadrino FCT (Firmware Configuration Tool) which allows for an easy to setup MultiWii experience. Furthermore, we included an algorithm that now takes your multirotor physical properties
The new Winbot 830 and Winbot 930 are hitting the market and we are getting a lot of questions to explain the differences between both robots. We therefore thought we could help by explaining the differences. We will also take a look back at the Winbot 730 to compare all models.
It's time to start thinking about spring cleaning. Yes, it's the time of year we dread again. Luckily we have the help you need with these essential spring cleaning robots. This is what domestic robots are for; helping you with chores that are not only long but, also not enjoyable, so you can spend…
The RocketSkates are electrical motorized skates making them a new addition to automated personal transportation. We will have two models available for sale on the RobotShop website by the end of April; the R-8 model and the R-10 model. The model that we will be unboxing in this post is the R-6 mo
Maintaining your Botvac is very important, as it can save you money on repairs and extend the life of your robot. Here's a video to help you with the maintenance of your Botvac robot vacuum. This maintenance can be done every few cleaning cycles, depending on the frequency of use and your en…