With summer officially here, you might have visions of campfires and swimming holes. Summer is certainly a good time to reconnect with nature and the outdoors, but it's also a great time to discover how you can put technology to work — and be free to play— so you get the most out…
This tutorial explains in an easy and intuitive way to help you understand the theory, design and implementation to make your own generator and sensor for a perimeter wire. The files (Schematics, Eagle Files, Gerbers, 3D Files and Arduino Sample Code) are also available for download. This way, y…
Willingly or not, the grass is growing and needs to be cut. Time to put those grass cutting shoes and pants, get the lawn mower ready for use and all this under sweating temperatures. You're thinking of all the other things you could be enjoying at that moment while cutting the grass, or you're jus