With the release of our Lynxmotion Quadrino Nano UAV Flight Controller, we developed an improved version of the Quadrino FCT (Firmware Configuration Tool) which allows for an easy to setup MultiWii experience. Furthermore, we included an algorithm that now takes your multirotor physical properties
The new Winbot 830 and Winbot 930 are hitting the market and we are getting a lot of questions to explain the differences between both robots. We therefore thought we could help by explaining the differences. We will also take a look back at the Winbot 730 to compare all models.
À présent que vous avez choisi ou conçu un châssis UAV, et choisi les moteurs, hélices, ESC et batteries appropriés, vous pouvez commencer à sélectionner un contrôleur de vol.
In many post-apocalyptic stories, the impetus for the end of order and reason is a "robot uprising" - the idea that robots created by humans have gained sentience and want either their freedom, or to rule humans. The question is, could this really happen? Could the human race be enslaved or even wi…
Many customers who use the Lynxmotion AL5 series robot arms have asked how they can mount a distance sensor to the end of the arm. Up until now, we never had an optimal solution, so we decided to release an upgrade kit which contains both a new mounting plate as well as a Sharp IR distance sensor. …
RobotShop once again announces new functionalities in order to help customers with their robot purchases. We are always evolving and adding new features based on customer comments and the latest technologies used in the industry. This time RobotShop adds Notify Me options as well as an easy to use …
It's time to start thinking about spring cleaning. Yes, it's the time of year we dread again. Luckily we have the help you need with these essential spring cleaning robots. This is what domestic robots are for; helping you with chores that are not only long but, also not enjoyable, so you can spend…
The RocketSkates are electrical motorized skates making them a new addition to automated personal transportation. We will have two models available for sale on the RobotShop website by the end of April; the R-8 model and the R-10 model. The model that we will be unboxing in this post is the R-6 mo
Maintaining your Botvac is very important, as it can save you money on repairs and extend the life of your robot. Here's a video to help you with the maintenance of your Botvac robot vacuum. This maintenance can be done every few cleaning cycles, depending on the frequency of use and your en…
The ESP8266 is very powerful little module, but a very picky one as well. In working with original ESP-01 I had very limited success with it and it just acted "flakey". I do understand now what most of the issues were with this module. Number one: it likes its groceries! When powering this mod…
I want to add a simple webserver to my NodeMCU bot, and...<begin old man grump>In looking, I did not find anything really clean-cut, most of the examples I find for anything these days are so cluttered and look like they where written by a robot monkey (a poorly coded one). It's seems if ther…
Are you ready for National Robotics Week 2015? The sixth annual National Robotics Week event will be held April 4-12, 2015. We invite you all to join us in the celebration of the National Robotics Week. For this very special week, RobotShop is offering a discounts on selected products for
We would like to introduce you to the LIDAR-Lite Laser Rangefinder [RB-Pli-01] from PulsedLight. This affordable and compact laser range finder is all the robotics enthusiast with ranging needs could want! It features laser range finding for distances of up to 40m
Déterminer la distance d'un objet face à votre robot est une tâche assez simple et s'effectue de manière fiable depuis bien longtemps à l'aide d'un sonar et de capteurs de distance IR. Dans la plupart des cas, ces deux types de capteurs répondent aux besoins de base du robot lorsqu'il s'agit d'une …
Every since the ESP8266 modules were released, I have wanted to try one. I ordered a few once they came out last year, but did not get to try them out until this year. After trying one module that seemed to work but never could be connected to, I tried another and was finally able to get one …
At Lynxmotion UAV we were looking at the future of our UAV / Drones lineup and had to take decisions for our next models. There are many ways to make a UAV frame and we wanted to keep the Lynxmotion spirit of being modular and expandable; something you can use to build your frame design and be ab