Want to learn robotics? follow these tutorials and get making robots fast.
Sid Interactive Robot Arm Game "Sid" is Si digital's latest interactive remotely-controlled robotic arm. According to their website: "Sid was created as one of our many hack weeks here at Si digital. The underlying objective is always to create something as a team that we wouldn't normally ge…
Together with the launch of the new robotics programming platform FlowBotics Studio, RobotShop also launched the Servo Erector Set V1.1 from Lynxmotion. This is a kit of over 500 parts enabling you to build five different robots and control them via pre-made robot applications inside FlowBotics…
À présent que la forme générale, les actionneurs (ou moteurs) et le cerveau du robot ont été choisis,il est temps de faire bouger les choses. La première question que se posent de nombreux débutants lors de la construction de leur premier r…
Il est maintenant temps de choisir un microcontrôleur pour votre robot. Un microcontrôleur est un dispositif informatique capable d'exécuter un programme (c'est à dire, une séquence d'instructions) et est souvent désigné comme le «…
The Lynxmotion BotBoarduino, Bot Board II, and SSC-32 are known as great controllers, but some people get confused about VL, VS, and their different configurations. Well, here it is: the definitive Guide to the Power Supply Options for the Lynxmotion Controllers! Before going into the specifi…
Here's a nifty project I found off of Hackaday - how to build your own 16 point (4bit) digital compass. Instead of using the popular 3bit Dinsmore compass the author decided to build his own. The author attached a magnet to a reflective encoding disk. Using four infrared photoreflectors he w…
Oleg put together this pretty neat robotic arm that he can control using a standard USB mouse. He used a Lynxmotion robotic arm with a wrist upgrade, an Arduino as the brain, a USB Host shield in order to interface a regular computer mouse, and a custom made servo motor controller. This is a rat…
Instructable user randofo created a seed spreading robot by using a Lynxmotion Tri-Track kit and various other robot parts. Grass-seeds Spreading Robot In this instructable, randofo details the building process quite well including pictures and quite a humorous tone. He details, the mechanica…
La programmation est généralement la dernière étape concernant la fabrication d'un robot. Si vous avez suivi les leçons, vous avez à présent choisi les actionneurs, l'électronique, les capteurs et autres, et vous avez assemblé…
What is FlowBotics Studio? FlowBotics Studio is a new robotics software development platform: it boasts the powerful FlowStone graphical programming language, and includes many demo robotics projects to get you started. It can be used to control just about any robotics platform, data acqui…
À présent que vous avez choisi tous les blocs de construction de base utilisés pour fabriquer un robot, l'étape suivante consiste à concevoir et construire une structure ou un cadre qui les maintient tous ensemble et donne à votre robot une apparence…
Zac Soden details his cheap and simple microcontroller, the Pic Processing Unit or PPU.. A couple of years ago I posted an article on the PPU (see page 2) - a complete micro-sized PIC16F84 processor board for robot applications. Since then I have recieved heaps of feedback on the PPU but some re…
A short article on how to build a simple infrared proximity detector. Adapted from the Stamps In Class robotics curriculum. After setting up your robot's motors and letting it run, one of the first things you'll realize, is that most likely it will run straight into a wall.
This year (2001), my parents have assigned me the task of doing a science fair project. After many many brainstorming ideas, I've finally settled on the idea of a project about maze solving robots and algorithms. I read Robot Science and Technology's article about the C* algorithm, with …
Cubiebot, Filmmaker Robot Cubiebot, a little robot made from hobbyist robot parts and cardboard is directing and filming its own documentary. As a matter of fact, many of these filmmaker robots are on the loose interviewing humans about their relationships with other robots. As shown in the v
À ce stade, vous devriez disposer de tous les principaux composants pour votre robot, dont des actionneurs, des contrôleurs de moteur, un microcontrôleur, des capteurs et des systèmes de communication. Vous approchez à présent de la phase d'inté…