Want to learn robotics? follow these tutorials and get making robots fast.
Roborealm has an interesting tutorial on using machine vision for obstacle avoidance in ground-based vehicles. The tutorial shows a series of image processing steps which can be chained together to detect the "highest" point in an image, based on the ground color. Presumably, that high…
Ce tutoriel est destiné à compléter le Calculateur de couple de bras robotique qui se trouve dans la section Outils dynamique du Centre de formation de RobotShop. Les équations utilisées dans le calculateur pour déterminer le couple nécessaire à toute articulation de levage donnée (pour lev
Maintenant que nous avons acquis des notions générales sur la robotique dans Leçon 1 et décidé du robot à construire dans Leçon 2, nous allons maintenant choisir les actionneurs qui feront bouger le robot.
Suite à la première leçon, vous avez maintenant une compréhension de base de ce qu'est un robot et de ce que font normalement les robots actuels. Il est temps à présent de décider du type de robot que vous allez construire. Une conception d…
Contrairement aux humains, les robots ne sont pas limités aux seuls toucher, vue, ouïe, odorat et goût. Les robots utilisent divers capteurs électromécaniques différents pour explorer et comprendre leur environnement et eux-mêmes. Émuler les se…
La définition que nous avons choisi pour un « robot » nécessite que l'appareil obtiennent des données sur son environnement, prenne une décision, et engage des mesures en conséquence. Cela n'exclut pas la possibilité d'un robot qu…
Arduino, the very popular open source microcontroller from Italy, is making headlines again. This time, its own documentary has been released and is free for everybody to watch. Arduino Documentary The documentary was independently made and depicts the origins, the philo…
Do not miss the new up-to-date and detailed How to Build a Robot - Grand Tutorial Series. The following article will show you how to build a simple robot, called "The Beetle Robot", created by Jerome Demers. It's great for beginners and is easy to do.
About Arduino Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments. Arduino can sense the environment by receiving i…
Making a robotic arm is a good introductory project for those wanting to get started with robotics. A simple robot arm can be straight forward to build and would require hobby servo motors to actuate each joint, a control system such as the Arduino, and a power source. Nevertheless, one of the mos
Google announced in the yearly Google IO event the release of the Android Open Accessory Kit. This kit consists basically of an Arduino Mega combined with the USB host shield and some customized firmware. What this allows us to do is to create Android applications that will interact with an Arduino…
We all dream of having appliances and machines that can obey our spoken commands. Well, let's take the first step towards making this happen. In this second iteration of Carlitos' Projects, we are going to build a speech-controlled Arduino-based robot. You may be thinking that makin
This is the first in a series of electronic or robotic DIY projects. These projects are accompanied by instructional videos that will help you trough the many steps involved in completing the task at hand. For this first iteration, we are making an RGB LED Mood Cube. Glowing colour-changing obj
This is a nice video from a while ago describing how to quickly and cheaply put together a robot by using an old RC toy, an Arduino (actually a Seeeduino), a Ping distance sensor and a couple of other components. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qc6DKDFwg9c More in-depth videos of the construc
The RoBoard has been controlling robots for some time now. It is a single board computer featuring a Vortex86DX, a 32bit x86 CPU running at 1 GHz with 256MB DRAM, lots of PWM IO for controlling servos, and more. RoBoard RB-110 Single Board Computer A recurring feature that was always asked w
As we say goodbye to the 200x's and welcome the 201x's it's good to pause a bit and think about the world as it was ten years ago. There was no Wikipedia, no YouTube, internet access was still dialup for a huge portion of the population, and we didn't have a whole heap of really cool robots. To hig…