We would like to introduce you to the LIDAR-Lite Laser Rangefinder [RB-Pli-01] from PulsedLight. This affordable and compact laser range finder is all the robotics enthusiast with ranging needs could want! It features laser range finding for distances of up to 40m
Déterminer la distance d'un objet face à votre robot est une tâche assez simple et s'effectue de manière fiable depuis bien longtemps à l'aide d'un sonar et de capteurs de distance IR. Dans la plupart des cas, ces deux types de capteurs répondent aux besoins de base du robot lorsqu'il s'agit d'une …
Lynxmotion BH3R Hexapod Walking Robot Lynxmotion is announcing today that all Lynxmotion kits based on the Basic Atom Pro have been discontinued. Our supplier of the Basic Atom Pro microcontroller modules has notified us that they are changing their focus and the future availability of their mic…
The Lynxmotion BotBoarduino, Bot Board II, and SSC-32 are known as great controllers, but some people get confused about VL, VS, and their different configurations. Well, here it is: the definitive Guide to the Power Supply Options for the Lynxmotion Controllers! Before going into the specifi…