At Lynxmotion UAV we were looking at the future of our UAV / Drones lineup and had to take decisions for our next models. There are many ways to make a UAV frame and we wanted to keep the Lynxmotion spirit of being modular and expandable; something you can use to build your frame design and be ab
The scene is that of a futuristic drone / UAV control center where a commander has full view over any situation and relays commands to small number of skilled professionals which in turn operate a fleet of UAVs.
Many of you may know the Lynxmotion SSC-32 Servo Controller board: it is one of our most popular products and is found in most Lynxmotion robot kits. It has a long history, designed years ago by Mike Dvorsky, a great contributor that worked with the founders of Lyxnmotion. Today, we're announcing …
RobotShop announced the acquisition of the technology behind Flying Einstein LLC, a manufacturer based in Florida which designs and produces flight controllers for UAVs and drones. The first product, released today on pre-order, is the Lynxmotion Quadrino Nano Drone/UAV Flight Controller (with G…
[youtube Hi All, Yesterday one of our RobotShop Forum members "osfreak" posted a video of a Dell commercial which used Lynxmotion products. If you look closely starting at about 0.16s you can spot an SQ3 Quadruped walking Kit and parts included in the AL5 Robotic Arms. On top of that, you
Lynxmotion's AL5D robot arm kit has been an integral part of Project Lead The Way's (PLTW) Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) curriculum, allowing the students to practice robot programming and assembly line design using an affordable hobby robot arm kit. RobotShop has been working with PLT…
[youtube After being in the shadow of the VTail's UAV platforms, the Crazy2Fly is ready to take the place it deserves. With its easier to understand (and set up) Quad X (or +) configuration, you will be in air in no time. As the video shows, this baby is more than capable when it comes…
RobotShop is pleased to announce the merge of the Lynxmotion and RobotShop forums. This merge will bring together two popular communities to discuss anything and everything related to robotics. Visit the new forum at Back in September 2012, RobotShop acquired Ly…
Lynxmotion BH3R Hexapod Walking Robot Lynxmotion is announcing today that all Lynxmotion kits based on the Basic Atom Pro have been discontinued. Our supplier of the Basic Atom Pro microcontroller modules has notified us that they are changing their focus and the future availability of their mic…
Sid Interactive Robot Arm Game "Sid" is Si digital's latest interactive remotely-controlled robotic arm. According to their website: "Sid was created as one of our many hack weeks here at Si digital. The underlying objective is always to create something as a team that we wouldn't normally ge…
RobotShop is very proud to announce today the acquisition of DiaLFonZo-Copter, a recognized leader in the design and production of multicopters. With this acquisition, RobotShop is pleased to announce the launch of the Lynxmotion UAV product line. As described in a press release published today,…
Screenshot of the SSC-32 Servo Sequencer Utility Many of you already know the Lynxmotion SSC-32 servo control board; it’s become a bit of an industry standard as a reliable interface to control up to 32 servo motors from a single board connected to a PC. RobotShop have just released a powerful
Lynxmotion is well known for its high quality robotic construction kits, especially walking robots and robotic arms, but did you know the same modular SES system can be used to make wheeled rovers? Lynxmotion has recently released two new wheeled rover kits based on this principle: the A4WD2-KT and…
We would like to thank Chris and Jim from Project Lead The Way (PLTW) for creating several videos around the Lynxmotion Servo Erector Set (SES) V1.1. Videos are one of the best ways to get a good understanding of a product. This set of seven videos include unboxing / package contents of the SES V1
Oleg put together this pretty neat robotic arm that he can control using a standard USB mouse. He used a Lynxmotion robotic arm with a wrist upgrade, an Arduino as the brain, a USB Host shield in order to interface a regular computer mouse, and a custom made servo motor controller. This is a rat…
Instructable user randofo created a seed spreading robot by using a Lynxmotion Tri-Track kit and various other robot parts. Grass-seeds Spreading Robot In this instructable, randofo details the building process quite well including pictures and quite a humorous tone. He details, the mechanica…