GoRobotics is the ultimate destination for learning about robotics. Get busy learning how to make robots with our vast educational content.
Dimensionnement d'un moteur d'entraînement L'outil de dimensionnement d'un moteur d'entraînement est conçu pour donner une idée du type de moteur d'entraînement nécessaire à votre robot spécifique, en reprenant des vale…
Unit Conversion Tool Instructions: Select the appropriate unit and enter a value to be converted. Torque**: Kgf-cm gf-cm Kgf-m
Ce tutoriel est destiné à compléter le Calculateur de couple de bras robotique qui se trouve dans la section Outils dynamique du Centre de formation de RobotShop. Les équations utilisées dans le calculateur pour déterminer le couple nécessaire à toute articulation de levage donnée (pour lev
If you have a keen sense of observation, you would have noticed the badge over to the GoRobotics logo, if not, here it is again. Top Resource for Electrical Engineers We are very proud to announce that GoRobotics was selected to be the Best Robotics Resource for Electrical Engineers by the
GoRobotics Education GoRobotics has been renewed and integrated into RobotShop blog. In the objective to keep one of the best online resources for robotic learning evolving and current, we revamped its looks, re-categorized its posts, added a bunch of new content and merged it with the RobotS
Cube 3D Printer RobotShop now carries the Cube 3D printer from 3D Systems. This is a very friendly 3D printer that allows you to make colourful objects quite easily thanks to several web applications 3D Systems puts at the disposal of the printer owner. See the samples of the thing
Maintenant que nous avons acquis des notions générales sur la robotique dans Leçon 1 et décidé du robot à construire dans Leçon 2, nous allons maintenant choisir les actionneurs qui feront bouger le robot.
Suite à la première leçon, vous avez maintenant une compréhension de base de ce qu'est un robot et de ce que font normalement les robots actuels. Il est temps à présent de décider du type de robot que vous allez construire. Une conception d…
For a robot to react to its environment, it must first obtain information about its surroundings. Robots are not limited to just sight, sound, touch, smell and taste. Robots can not only sense but give accurate values for a variety of environmental factors that humans are otherwise unaware of or…
About Beginner Kits Beginner Robot Kits have the following general characteristics: Suitable for an average age of 8+ (see each kit for specific information) Easy to assembly and no soldering required Pre-programmed or remote controlled Usually one or two degrees of freedom (motions)
About Gears EDS The GEARS-IDS Invention and Design System gives teachers the industrial strength tools they need to create world class engineering and robotics challenges for their students in the comfort and convenience of their own classrooms. The GEARS-IDS Invention and Design System is offe…
Professional Development Platforms Professional development platforms are ideally suited to higher level education and research institutions. Increasingly, educational and research institutions are looking past the hardware to focus solely on robot intelligence. Professional platforms a…
About Lynxmotion Think of the Lynxmotion series of servo brackets as a variety of different modular parts for servos that essentially allows you to build your own custom robot. Lynxmotion is known best for its modular metal brackets that are used to make the frames of a variety of different robo…
Contrairement aux humains, les robots ne sont pas limités aux seuls toucher, vue, ouïe, odorat et goût. Les robots utilisent divers capteurs électromécaniques différents pour explorer et comprendre leur environnement et eux-mêmes. Émuler les se…
La définition que nous avons choisi pour un « robot » nécessite que l'appareil obtiennent des données sur son environnement, prenne une décision, et engage des mesures en conséquence. Cela n'exclut pas la possibilité d'un robot qu…
Bots High Remember BattleBots? The TV show where two remote controlled robots would enter a weaponized arena and fight it out for 3 minutes or until one stopped moving. The name "Bots High" is a combination of "Robots" and "High School". Well, even though the show ended, the competitions have…