Want to get a robot for your home? Get some inspiration on how you can use robots to make your life more enjoyable.
Adopt a robot assistant into the household! TheRobotics Research Institute at the University of Tokyo (Tokyo University's IRT) has developed a robot that can assist you in your daily domestic tasks. The IRT is financed by big companies like Toyota, Olympus, SEGA, Toppan, Fujitsu, Panasonic and…
For a long time the iRobot Roomba has been viewed as being the leader at all levels (more than 5 million units sold during the last 7 years), but now the company can expect strong competition with: Neato. The generation of Roombas works through a simple enough technology, as explained here: "How…
Here is the cream-of-the-crop automobile: an autonomous car (that drives itself, like the Knight Rider K 2000). This is the robot-guided Audi TTS, named Shelley and developed by engineers at Stanford University in California. We had already seen it in a video before but this time the car will ta…
Jeffrey the robot is featured in a Super Bowl 2010 INTEL commercial. Admit that you would love to have one of these in your home; it looks so nice and helpful! The ad boasts the new and most powerful i3, i5, and i7 Intel Core processors; the man in the cafeteria says that nothing surpasses them…
Too bad for us, gentlemen, no more beautiful barmaid with this beer serving bartender robot. Researchers at the British Middlesex University have developed a Heineken robot that walks around behind the counter by itself and automatically fills beer-glasses. This prototype was unveiled at Kineti…
Would Tiger Woods be able to finally retire, since his replacement is coming from where we least expected it? Did someone say robotics? Candy-05 is the latest in robotic prototypes funded through NEDO (New Energy & Industrial Technology Development Organization) and developed by the Hajime R…
The South Korean Institute Kitech (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology), has developed a housecleaning robot. Its code name: SeRoPi. SeRoPi has 3 degrees of freedom in the neck, 3 in size, 6 x 2 in both arms, 2 in the hands, and 1 the knee. This robot picks objects off the ground, puts th…
The Hinamitetu Japanese robot is a robot that performs gymnastics on the horizontal bar, and it's really amazing to watch! Soon, if the trend continues, we will earn a place in the World Robot Gymnastics Championships. On the YouTube channel: youtube.com/user/hinamitetu Our gymnast has improved,…
Robot Stock News has an interesting post about a new robot company, SmartMow, and their self titled product, a robotic lawnmower. The mower, which is currently available for preorder, will retail for $999 and features lithium batteries, a self-charger and can supposedly mow 1/3 of an acre on a si…
An article appearing in November's issue of the IEEE Spectrum (a magazine written by and for electrical engineers), asks the question, "Why do toddlers love robots?". The answer, it seems, lies not in their cute and fuzzy appearance, but more in their ability to be unpredictable and resond to int…
The internet is abuzz with some recent news on iRobot that Engadget uncovered - apparently iRobot's latest venture will be a gutter cleaning robot named "Looj " (no, not this kind). The FCC documents that Engadget discovered have since then been made private until October 13th. The robot is sup…
November has come and gone with quite a bit of new news relating to our cute robotic dino-pal, Pleo. You can check out all of the coverage on our sister site, PleoBot.com. We've learned that Pleo really does exist and that he's pretty cute and cuddly (ha! Our suspicions are confirmed!). H…
I was recently offered the chance to review Microbric's Viper Robotics Development Kit. I always love to try out new robot kits and see what's on the market, so I jumped at the chance. Prior to Microbric contacting me, I had heard some about the kits. You may have read a prior review of the kit fro…
People love to anthromorphize robots. I'm not sure why, but they do, and because of this the Smith family is now selling Roomba costumes at myRoomBuds.com. Greg Smith (the father) says, "My kids started a business to sell costumes for Roombas. We have two and are now just another one of th…
This isn't strictly robot related, but have you seen the South Leicester Aeronutz website? There's some really amazing radio controlled creations on there. Most of the creations use very thin (2mm) foam walls and tiny pager-type motors to turn the prop. You can purchase super-small (under 1cm squ…
Yesterday I received a preview copy of Robot Magazine's "premier issue." After having seen it in very rough form during RoboNexus, I have to say that the actual print version is even more impressive. For those of you familiar with RC Driver or Fly RC, Robot Magazine will be from the same …