Shelley: a self driven Audi TTS

Posted on 11/02/2010 by vabry in Transport
Audi TTS robot Here is the cream-of-the-crop automobile: an autonomous car (that drives itself, like the Knight Rider K 2000). This is the robot-guided Audi TTS, named Shelley and developed by engineers at Stanford University in California. We had already seen it in a video before but this time the car will tackle the course at Pikes Peak in the Colorado mountains this summer 2010. The driverless car can reach a max speed of 210 km/h. Unlike its preceding prototypes, Shelley does not drive using cameras and radar, but uses differential GPS, which indicates the pre-established path to the car, from the start to the end of the course. The challenging part lies in its cornering when it may skid ... Here's the new video from Stanford University: via gizmag
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