Kitech's SeRoPi robot

Posted on 25/01/2010 by vabry in Domestic
The South Korean Institute Kitech (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology), has developed a housecleaning robot. Its code name: SeRoPi. SeRoPi has 3 degrees of freedom in the neck, 3 in size, 6 x 2 in both arms, 2 in the hands, and 1 the knee. This robot picks objects off the ground, puts them back in their place, and it can also serve you a drink. Aimed for possible application in the restaurant industry SeRoPi's Technical Features: - Dimensions: 450x1250x450mm - Weight: 55kg - 21 degrees of freedom - Moving Speed: Max 2m/sec - Workspace: ground level to eye level - Weight that it can hold in its hand: 1kg - Sensors: IR sensors, Scanning laser range finder, Force sensor, Force/Torque sensor, stereo vision, INS
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