Our Lynxmotion MES-PDB (Multirotor Erector Set / Power Distribution Board) was created based on needs for our Lynxmotion MES frame system that will be released soon. Designing this board, the issues were to properly power all motors (up to eight motors), distribute the ESC signals and power the Lyn…
The world of consumer and professional drones is evolving very fast and so are flight controller systems for UAVs & Drones. At the same time, many developments are being made for consumer electronics at a low cost and the Raspberry Pi is one of the leaders in this field. This raised questions
The Quadrino Nano UAV flight controller uses MultiWii which allows for a standardized serial communication of live data from the controller. Since this protocol is known and used for the standard general user interface (MultiWiiConf & WinGUI), some people developed their own application to setu
This article is intended to help you get started with battery monitoring and the buzzer feature present in MultiWii. We'll cover proper connections / wiring and software setup as it relates to the Lynxmotion Quadrino Nano flight controller (MultiWii compatible).