Elderly care remains a growing concern as the world population continues to rise. Carebots could be the transformative solution to the global shortage of caregivers.
The global healthcare robotics market is taking the industry by storm and is a milestone for modern medicine. And though it may be a while before everyone is getting prescriptions from friendly droids, there are exciting developments on the horizon
The COVID-19 pandemic has sparked a wave of innovation and creativity from a wide range of industries - and robotics are right at the forefront of the fight against this deadly pandemic. Robotics has helped in a huge range of ways during the pandemic, including everything from ser…
Years ago, robotics was an emerging trend in the healthcare industry. Many were unaware of how the tech could be used to make processes more straightforward and efficient. That's not the case anymore. Keep reading to find out how many ways the healthcare industry relies on robots.
Machines that are coded with Artificial Intelligence (AI) mimic human actions and think like humans. Machine learning and AI capabilities have been quickly emerging in industrial robotics technology. In their journey to boost productivity, manufacturers intend to improve the rigid skills of trad…
Whenever a manual process becomes automated or new mechanical systems are replacing older equipment, robot integrators are needed. Robot integrators provide specialized experience and expertise in maintaining and installing robotic equipment. They play a vital part in the longevity of your robot…
Surgery is something that, until the 2000s, was considered the purview of medical specialists. If you went to the hospital for a surgical procedure, you could expect to be attended by a human surgeon — at least, until the advent of robotic surgery. What is robotic surgery?
We're moving towards a world full of robots, that's a fact. In this series, we're taking a break for a second to assess where Contemporary Robotics are at today and what the future looks like. For this fifth chapter, we're taking a look at the realm of medical robots. Contemporary Robotics - M
Gregg Teaby, a retired engineer, creats a powered walker to help his disabled daughter. His latest design uses the Lynxmotion track system.
Liam's Robohand Richard Van As, a master carpenter from Johannesburg, South Africa, decided to make a set of mechanical fingers. He’d lost four of the fingers on his right hand in an unfortunate work accident. As a tradesman, having a disabled hand is a big professional detriment, so he decided
Honda recently had a media extravaganza in which they demoed their recently announced "Stride/Bodyweight Assist Machine", an experimental device that aids human walking by reducing stress on joins and muscles. It's a cross between an exoskeleton and a chair - the former because it&…
Nigel Ackland uses bionic hand to pour beer Nigel Ackland had the misfortune of losing his hand in an accident. He is now the proud owner (and tester) of a BeBionic3 robot hand. This bionic prosthesis senses the electrical activity in his arm muscles and activates gripping or wrist rotating a
iRobot already has robots for the home, the military and even for undersea exploration. In 2009, iRobot launched "iRobot Healthcare", but until now we have not heard much from that division. Now, with the release of RP-VITA (based on iRobot's AVA platform), iRobot is making its way into hospitals
Researchers from the Vere project are using an fMRI machine to "read" thoughts from a human user and use those signals to control the motion of a small humanoid robot as demonstrated in the video below. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXFmRzNZHqc This project is very interesting because the use o
The BrainGate2 technology allowed a tetraplegic (or quadriplegic) woman to control a robotic arm using her brain as shown in the video below. This technology uses a brain implant that broadcasts the neurons' signals to a computer interface and although the prospect of poking electrodes into your br…
The recently released Deus Ex: Human Revolution video game is raising some very interesting questions regarding Cyborgs, bionic implants (or augmentations as they are referred to in the game). The documentary below explores the similarities between the fictitious augmentations and the cu