How to Work with an Industrial Robot Integrator

Posted on 15/03/2019 by astech in Industrial, Medical
Tags: Integrator

Whenever a manual process becomes automated or new mechanical systems are replacing older equipment, robot integrators are needed. Robot integrators provide specialized experience and expertise in maintaining and installing robotic equipment. They play a vital part in the longevity of your robots.

Once a robot integrator has been selected, it’s imperative that you work with the robot to ensure that it knows your exact requirements and goals. In order to have a productive robotic system, you need to establish a solid working relationship with your robot integrator to achieve profitability and ROI in your business.

Communicating With a Robot integrator

In order for robot integrators to successfully complete installation, there are numerous things that have to be communicated to them. Company-related goals have to be outlined including the predicted annual production volumes, expected timeline for the overall project, and overall budget. These are all critical factors for a robot integrator.

After the robot integrator becomes familiar with the requirements of your business, application-specific information needs to be discussed. This could include cycle time prospects, the number of needed shifts to meet production outcomes, and CAD 3D models of all of the parts.

Depending on your operations, these specifics may vary. However, each detail related to production is imperative in order to successfully communicate with an integrator.

Beyond Installation: Establishing Expectations and Goals

Good robot integrators offer services beyond the installation of the systems themselves. Robots require lots of maintenance, reprogramming, and fine-tuning. Sometimes the integrators need to be repurposed to complete a variety of differing applications.

In addition, a majority of the robots are designed for the detailed collection of data, allowing robotic users to gain insights into production as well as make continuous optimizations based on the figures. Robot integrators provide the software needed to create increased productivity over the entire life of the system.

Maximum profitability and productivity can be achieved only when your requirements and goals are established after the robot has been installed. When an integrator is able to understand these needs, over time they will effectively be able to service the robot.

Robot integrators play an important role in the productivity and health of all robotic systems during installation as well as after. Having a solid working relationship with an integrator is vital for generating the most productivity out of a robotic system.

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