TriCopter - QuadCopter - Project

Looks great (in pro hands). In my hands it probably would not stay in one piece for longer than a few seconds.

HaHa… :wink:
You want to see a “No Pro” flight…
This is me but with a VTail 400 that is Zero tuned… just base Multiwii without any PID tuning.

That is a really nice design! :smiley:

Thanks… :wink:

This came out from someone in France who contacted me.
He build a hand made VTail prototype and asked if i could do a complete frame with that VTail in mind.

Some hour designing… then the Hunter VTail was born.

Is it just me or does it look a bit like a dragonfly? :mrgreen:

Or the Terminator Hunter.? :wink:

Damn that’s sweet. :mrgreen:

Milling Milling… :wink:

Nice millwork!

What program are you designing your parts in?

Alan KM6VV

Very nice, and is that a carbon fiber wedding ring?

Yes it is…
Custom made to order by an artist in Argentina.

I use Solidworks to design then export in .dxf and use a 2d software to layout.
Using Cut2d for Gcode.

Because i like MultiCopters in general not only my things…
Here is my brand new Rachel… :wink:

I have put aluminum standoffs instead of the hardware that came with it.

Very nice indeed. What does a carbon fiber kit go for?

Alan KM6VV

This kit frame only is 155euro… :open_mouth:
But i had it 50% off… long story short, i have talk design to designer with the guy… :wink:

Introducing DiaLFonZo-Copter SSQ
(super simple quad)

Very nice Eric!
SSQ, probably what I’d have to stat with.

Alan KM6VV

DiaLFonZo-Copter - SSQ
Almost final version i think… :wink:

I like!

Alan KM6VV

That is nice! :smiley: