The Climber - Third ride - It works!

Hi guys !

I'm working on a robot from plywood. He should the stairs up and down ride.

He receives four strong (12kg/cm) servos modiefied for continuos rotation and one Sharp IR and probably two bumper switches.

My first Climber was finished, but he had two problems:

- first and last stair, so I had to change the design.

I hope that now everything is good.

24 June 2009 - First ride

Without sensors.

25 June 2009 - Second ride


He is too heavy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


26 June 2009 - Third ride

It works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Climb stairs

  • Actuators / output devices: Servos modiefied for continuos rotation
  • CPU: Picaxe 28x1
  • Power source: 6V
  • Programming language: Picaxe basic
  • Sensors / input devices: Sharp IR, bumper switches

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

climb stairs… ?
climb stairs… ?

perfectly !!!

One prototype was already finished, but i have two problems:

- first and last stair

Interesting. Do you have any video yet?

Not yet.

Not yet. I am still waiting for my servos (4 x Tower Pro Servo MG946R with Stall torque 12kg/cm).

First ride


And now, I will show you the first ride (without sensors)

That is amazing, very cool
That is amazing, very cool idea! Pretty fascinating to watch it work!

It will make people stop and stair…


Love it. Great and simple.


what’s the next step (pun intended)?

Very cool. I love the simplicity.

very clever

I can imagine that as 1 foot(toes not inches) of a full standing robot walking up stairs with the ankle above the controller board,

don’t ask me how it could balance but it would look awsome if it could work.



now i have seen the video i

now i have seen the video i think i know how to fix that.

try to add some weight just below the micro-controller, and maybe add some small high-friction rubber spikes on the wheels

Unfortunately does not work :frowning:

It’s so smooth
Great idea. Have you tried more traction to get over the first stair?

weight distribution…

So the problem with the first and last stairs have to do with the weight distribution, I think.

during mid-flight, (i.e. flight of stairs…um. another bad pun…), the rear wheels are taking about 70% of the weight (square root of 2, assuming that the robot is at 45 degrees!), rather than half of the weight. In the case of the last step, the downward weight vector on the front wheel is much smaller than it is while it’s climbing, i.e. it’s not pulling “up” as strongly, so has relatively smaller traction.

So you need to either have some way to dynamically change the weight distribution, which would make it more complex, or you could try using “stickier” rubber on the wheels - that would increase the normal forces that are the traction.

There’s an important point here, in response to one of your comments - adding rubber spikes to the wheels actually DECREASES your traction, this is because by using spikes, you decrease the amount of contact between the wheel and the ground. If you want maximum traction, you need very smooth, sticky rubber - this is exactly why formula 1 race cars have “slicks”, which provide maximum traction with the ground.

You should set more weight

You should set more weight on the backend… i think.


Then the front end should be leighter than the front end and the will push it up at the first step :slight_smile:

Hope it helps…

no, that would totally stop

no, that would totally stop it at the last step!

it need more weight on the middle!

AND as you said, the wheel need to be lighter!

TRY! to put the wheels a

TRY! to put the wheels a little off-center on the servos

that would make a low-(but still a little)bumby ride and maybe work!? :smiley:

(would look funny if too off-center)

He is too heavy! What ideas???
you 're right. I have to invent something else.

He is too heavy! What ideas???
you 're right. I have to invent something else.

get motors with more torque that way you have more power to deal the the whole gravity thing