Se.Gu.A.Ro. (Sensor Guided Autonomous Robot)

Oh! very good! You’re

Oh! very good! You’re welcome! Yes, without the right tools, iron  is not easy to handle! But the essentials, in my opinion, are a drill press (or simply a drill) , a hand brake (or similar), and an angle grinder (useful to model the shape)…

I’m pleased to have been useful! If you have other questions, feel free to ask! :slight_smile:


… if you insist, here is one more question :slight_smile: About the legs… so you used the angle grinder to cut from an “iron sheet” the shape you wanted, but then did you also used the hand brake to softly bend the legs ? Wasn’t it too diffult to be precise enough with a tool such as an angle grinder ?


… I designed the shape on the sheet, I cut it in an L shape without touching the lines, then I bent it (the angles are around 45°, I don’t remember :D) and finally I drilled some hole to lighten it… I had to be very precise (in fact the legs are not perfectly equals) but I managed to do, imho, a good job :slight_smile: (a cnc would be the top…)


Thank you very much for this detailed answer :slight_smile: And yes, you definitley did a great job !

You’re welcome and…

… thank you again! :slight_smile:

all these information are aimed to build an hexapod or what else…?

I hope…

… I will soon work on an hexapod. Actually, I’m new in building robots. I’ve already built two basic robots, without using microcontrollers, analogic only. It was a bit frustrating, but I wanted to start with the basics, print the pcb myself etc. I’m done with that (for the moment), it was not fun enough for the very beginner that I am, so I’m currently following the LMR Start Here tutorial !

Untill now, I’ve always used plexiglass because it’s an easy material to work with. I thought metals and especially iron were unaccessible for non-professionnals but you show me I was wrong. That’s why I was so curious about the way you worked :wink:

And yes, after a few more tests and work, I really want to build an hexapod (probably using 3 servos for a first try), I love the way it moves !

Thx for inspiration and advices :slight_smile:

You’re welcome again :slight_smile:

and I hope you succeed in making your hexapod! :)))

do you have experience in programming? what programming language are you learning/have you learnt?

Thx for support :slight_smile:

I’m a .NET (C#) developper, but I also worked a lot with Java, Php, Perl, C/C++, basic, ASM… (for the last one, it was a looong time ago, and I don’t miss it :wink:

I followed the Start Here Tutorial this w/e, and I had a lot of fun ! I’ll spend the next weeks improving the robot (addings sensors, leds, writing my own algorithm from scratch), and then I should me able to go further with an Hexapod :slight_smile:

Are you planning on making an other robot ?

Thx !


So you are far more than a quite beginner as me! You will certainly succeed in making your hexaopd even with 6 or more actuators!

About future robots I’m not shure… I have too many projects in mind (robotic arm, a UAV etc…) and too less time to spend building robots… I think I will go on upgrading my hexapod maybe also adding other 6 servos and then implement inverse kinematics… lol :))

So, since you are an expert programmer, can I ask you to take a brief look to the code attached and maybe give me some advices to improve it? :slight_smile:

thanks in advance!

Hey could you take a look?

Since you know about C++ could you take a quick look at my arduino powered robot code and maybe help me with adding bump switches and or a turning servo head? i’m very very green when it comes to programming. Thanks

A bit early :wink:

I had a quick look at your code. It seems pretty clear and clean to me :slight_smile:

But I’m afraid my background only help to quickly understand the syntax/logic, I still have to learn how to interact with robots’ hardware (commands that can be send to a servo etc.). I’m more used to interface with databases, files, streams, networks…

Yet, from what I know so far, you’ve done some very nice programming, I mean it is easy to understand and so, easy to update. Maybe you can factorise a bit more your main function (300 lines, it’s a lot for one method, the smaller it is, the better the updates will be), but once again it’s a bit to early for me to give you good advices :wink: I promise, I’ll comme back later and tell you if I see anything that could be improved :slight_smile:

Thx for encouragements :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot! That was what

Thanks a lot! That was what I wanted! Since I am self teaching c++, I have no one who corrects my sintax so I’m very grateful to you for your help! now, I haven’t used more functions because I thought that the calling of them would slow down the performance (this is a c++ guide notion :)… but I know almost as you about uC… what do you think about? maybe I can get further info and then decide what to do! In case you will see updates :slight_smile:

Thanks for advices!


Wow… this is a big inspiration for me.

Is is possible to post a manual or pics how you conected the servo’s to the mega board? My ultimate dream is to build a hexapod just like you did.


I feel very happy if I

I feel very happy if I manage to be a font of inspiration! ^-^

You’ll see that I uploaded in the description 2 new pics with the explanation of the connections… hope to have been useful :slight_smile:

I will surely check out your hexapod when you’ll upload it!

Thanks for appreciation :slight_smile:

hear you soon!

Thanks for the pictures.

Thanks for the pictures. This is a great help understanding how you have connected several servo’s. I assume that the print is like a shield that you have put direct on the arduino board?



we can say that is a homemade shield :slight_smile:

you can see that the “Arduino+5v” and the “Arduino Gnd” pins are positioned in order to coincide with the corrispective headers on the arduino mega!

the print is that one:

i find it indispensable to make connections from arduino to electronics! (and it’s cheaper than pre-made shields!) :wink:

Maybe I’m the only one, but

Maybe I’m the only one, but the sound that this thing makes when it’s feet hit the floor sounds like something similar to the Replicators on Stargate SG1…seriously…I fear you now!!!

I love the low servo count and effective walking motion…great work!

Now you will know the true

Now you will know the true power of hexapod!! MWAHAHAH!! (evil laugh)

Ahah!! thank you very much! :slight_smile:

Is is possible to post a

Is is possible to post a manual how you conected the servo’s and PING to the mega board pin?

Did you see that there are

Did you see that there are two pics about servo and PING connections? If there is an understanding problem I’ll provide you further informations! ^_^