Se.Gu.A.Ro. (Sensor Guided Autonomous Robot)

Hi there!!

I am proud to show you my first creation!

This is a 2DOF hexapod entirely built by myself with a bit of external help for the pratical part.

It walks straight until an object get too close to it (perceived with the ping))) ultrasonic sensor).

The project started 7 months ago when I saw by chance a video on youtube about phoenix which captured me! I started getting informations from the internet about theory, pieces and prices of servos and other stuff, then I sketched some ideas I had to make it move.. The movement of the legs is semicircular when they have to go back to the front but the hardest part was the one where I had to put together all the 6 legs! I spent months (of non-continiuos work due to study) on this but finally I managed to write a piece of code that worked! Then the rotation gait has been the subject of study for my last 2 months but, even in this case I managed to make it working!

The pratical part, that is the building part had been hard too because of the precision required to make the holes for the servos perfectly.. But!.. As some of you had noticed reading the forum (thaks a lot), I had a "little" problem about the wheigh that I solved lightening the body (made of galvanized iron), changing 6 of the 12 servos and (this is the modify that allowed me to make it working continuosly for over 13 minutes without stumble) setting the leg's end more close to the body. Surely I explained this last part terribly but forgive me (I'm not english :D)! These images will explain better:

This is the leg before:

And this is the leg with the new setup that allowed it to stay alive for over 13 minutes:

now the force that the servo has to apply is less than before and so he get "power up"!! ^_^



Here there are the steps which led to the final result:


Body lightened:

Finished (for now). I want to keep adding features like optional remote control, other (maybe) degrees of freedom.. Added:

  • sensor
  • arduino and pad wit pins for servos
  • batteries
  • double switch to turn on arduino and servos concurrently

The double switch and the 9V battery:

The sensor and the mess of wires:

The homemade servo connections:

More pics with explanation :)

Top view (relative to the board oriented normally, with the board on the robot this is the bottom view):

Bottom view:

The final result:


  • reorganized code in functions to have a clearer and easier reading (code attached)
  • added sequence for left rotation (left or right rotation chosen randomly)


  • added bakward walking. Waiting for ps2 controller connector to enter fun! Code will be available after controller implementation [Temporarily suspended]


  • added a servo to pan the sensor in order to get rid of diffcult situations like corners or surfaces at first not detectable! (watch video to see it in action!!)

Side view:

Bottom view:

  • added a new optional walking gait which is less energy consuming because all the legs, apart one, are always flat on the floor.. So the weight  is distributed over five legs rather than three!


  • Started coding to implement inverse kinematics!! Yeah you heard right! I'm on the way to implement IK expanding Seguaro's capabilities by adding the third DOF to each leg!!

Suggestions (specially about code) are welcome.

Thanks for watching =)

Walks around and turns when it finds an object too much close to it.

  • Actuators / output devices: 6x hitec hs-485hb standard servos, 7x Parallax standard servo
  • CPU: Arduino Mega
  • Power source: 9v battery for Arduino, 6V 5A battery for servos
  • Programming language: Arduino Processing
  • Sensors / input devices: 1x PING))) Ultrasonic sensor
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

this is awesome :wink:

this is awesome :wink:

That’s really cool,

That’s really cool, but…

you really should think about some rubber shoes for him :wink:

As much as i agree. That

As much as i agree.


That metalic sound is just awesome, it would send shivers down someone’s spine if it suddenly entered the room.

Daaamn, this metallic sound

Daaamn, this metallic sound is totally wicked! Like autonomous, hard armoured, battlebot. Super-awesome :) 

I agree

The sound gives it a bad ass Robocop feel to it.

Nice, very nice

That’s a really awesome piece of work. Now I really have try building one myself.

And those metallic sounds remind me of Replicators (Yes, I have been watching good old Stargate SG-1 for last couple of days :wink:


**Mwahhaha! (evil laugh) **

but this is precisely the effect intended!! =P

okok jokes apart, I am already looking for a “pair” of gummy shoes which won’t destroy after 3 steps! (this is the end of the previous ones :smiley: )

but apart the noise, it walks very well even without rubber ends! Maybe if I’ll find some of them around…

yeah! someone has already

yeah! someone has already told me this! X)

good luck for your one! :wink:

Was the metal cur by hand?

Was the metal cur by hand? or did you use a cnc?

Uoah! Thank you everybody!!

Uoah! Thank you everybody!! I’m glad to see that you like it!

It had been a hard work but the appreciation you demonstrated and the satisfaction of seeing it working pays me for the effort! Thaks again!! =)

sorry, what do you mean with

sorry, what do you mean with “metal cur”? (I’m not english)

However I don’t own a cnc… It’s all made by angle grinder(I don’t know the exact term), bender and so on…

That is one nice piece of

That is one nice piece of work. Congratulations!

haha i meant “cut” :oops:

haha i meant “cut” :oops:

Hey! I realy like your robot

Hey! I realy like your robot my friend,great job. It has nice moves. I would like to build my hexapod one day. Would an accelerator or gyro would be good to add on it?

Keep up the good work. :slight_smile:

Cool ! Very cool !

Очень завораживающий робот у вас получился. Особенно интересно он ходит.


I am totally in love with the sound of metal on tiles. Good job! It looks great too.

Thank you! Yes I like the

Thank you! Yes I like the gait too because it seems a wave!

About the gyro or the accelerator… I don’t think they would be necessary… It don’t have to balance himself, the stability is always given by keeping 3 legs on the floor at time (sometimes, it don’t seems very stable but it’s due to the position of the legs perpendicular to the body axis and not as phoenix []…)…

It would be better to add force sensors under the legs ends, after have upgraded to 3DOF and have implemented Inverse Kinematics… I’m thinking about it… :slight_smile:

Ahah!! I’ll provide you an

Ahah!! I’ll provide you an audio file with 5 minutes of walking! X)

{Thank you!}

ahah! okok!! X)

ahah! okok!! X)