Se.Gu.A.Ro. (Sensor Guided Autonomous Robot)

I make my own Se.Gu.A.Ro

I make my own Se.Gu.A.Ro with micro servo, I would like to know the correspondence of the servo ports.


const int pingPin = 22; //

const int pingPin = 22; // Ultrasonic sensor’s pin number

int Pin = 25; // First servo’s pin number


for(int i=0; i<6; i++) // Attaching each servo to his pin


Pin = Pin+2;


Pin = Pin+2;



So every servo is connected to the uneven pins starting from the #27 with this scheme(top view):

 Y - X |leg# leg#| X - Y    <- axis (X horiziontal, Y vertical)

29 - 27| 1     4 |39 - 41      front

45 - 43| 5     2 |31 - 33

37 - 35| 3     6 |47 - 49      rear


Is it clear?

waitin to see your hexapod!


ok, I understand.I could

ok, I understand.

I could use arduino  Duemilanove?

good!I think so but I don’t


I think so but I don’t remember if it has enough pins… if I remember correctly, Duemilanove should have 10 digital pins + 5 analog(that can still be used as digital) so it should go… I used Mega because the shield was easier to realize… and doing so I reserved a large number of additional pins to enhance the project!

I have a arduino Dyemilanove

I have a arduino Dyemilanove and try this, you can help me with changing the code?

yes of courseyou just have

yes of course

you just have to change the servo pins numbers to yours and I think you will be ready. to start, use the first code attached! 

you can adjust the for loop I explained in the previous message or you can write all the pins numbers manually

Thank you very much, you are

Thank you very much, you are very good.
I’ll try to fix Solarbotics Ardweeny ( to a mini Se.Gu.A.Ro

thank you! too gentle :)let

thank you! too gentle :slight_smile:

let me know your progresses about your project!

I would be very pleased if you would give me a feedback of this tiny but interesting board!!

I do not know programming,

I do not know programming, you could convert the code to Ardweeny and tell me what ports to connect the servo and PING?

Thank you very much.

why are you attempting to


why are you attempting to build a robot without knowing programming at all? you should have at least basis of a prog language… so get started! :


-A good start, for example, is this: just to have an idea of what you have on your hands…(you should start with c++ because processing/wiring, aka arduino programming language, is derived form it)


- Then you should have the arduino skd you can find it here: lookin around the site you can find almost every answer to your questions about arduino language and arduino software


- For arduino programming language specific troubles you can go here:

enjoy :slight_smile:


** ok thanks, I started**

 ok thanks, I started making the robot.

good! I’m lookin forward to

good! I’m lookin forward to hearing from you news about it!


this is a great project, i may do a quadrapod version made out of acrylic material, 

have any tips, on servos and shape and design, if so that would be much apreciated

Great! I think acrylic is

Great! I think acrylic is very light so I think you won’t need very strong servos! I advise you the Hitec HS-55 that would be fine! If the material is not as light as I thought you can choose a different servos from hitec, that I found to be very reliable! about the shape, I advise you to remove all the unessential parts: it will help you to limit the weight and save battery power! maybe if you post a sketch or something else i could give more advices because now I don’t have more… I’m very tired due to hard study… :</p>

** 5mm acrylic**

my basic design is a rough octagon with the servos mounted on the slants, the servos are going to be attached in a similar way too yours, also the servos i use will be price-dependant as i am still in my GCSE’s and havn’t got much money to put toward my first project, so i am keeping it simple, as i would like to add a pan/tilt camera attached to the top.

hmm… An octagon you said…

hmm… An octagon you said… In my opinion, since you are going to put the servos attached at 45° compared to the walking direction, it would be better to have 3 degrees of freedom per leg, especially if you are going to put a camera on it, in order to have a more fluid gait( having only 4 legs it is going to be rather unstable)… i think, IMHO, this should be the best way! What do you think about?

The noise!


This isn’t really a technical comment, but I just love the noise this thing makes! :slight_smile:

I tried to build a 2DOF quadropod once out of clear acrylic on a similar design to what wattersto08 is talking about, but my servos weren’t all that good and it pulled 1.4 Amps just lifting itself off the floor! (And it wasn’t stable enough to stay up with only 3 legs, which wasn’t very helpful)

Love the design!

Thanks!! ^_^Your comment is

Thanks!! :slight_smile:

Your comment is very useful for wattersto08! It confirms my advice to use 3 dof for each leg int order to get more stability and more fluid movements!

Of course it will draw more current and wattersto08 will have to use a more powerfull battery… But keep in mind that lifting from the floor is more expensive (in terms of current) than keeping the body up! my bot uses to draw up to 5Amps, but it’s made of steel! :stuck_out_tongue:


the info is great, and will prove very useful i will use a square shape with a slimmer body, i am using an arduino UNO so it will be small and light, could you give me a cut out diagram of your legs and body shape, so i may use it for reference? thanks

Sorry! I saw just right now

Sorry! I saw just right now your message! study is absorbing all my time :[

however, arduino uno is naturally a good choice!

Here is a drawing made on the fly right now! I hope this is enough but I know it isn’t as a cad drawing :smiley:  If you need something more detailed and scaled just ask :wink: