Se.Gu.A.Ro. (Sensor Guided Autonomous Robot)

Thanks :slight_smile: Iā€™m really glad

Thanks :slight_smile: Iā€™m really glad you like it! Stay tuned cause during this summer I plan to add at least one feature (I hope!)

Hey thanks for the link,I

Hey thanks for the link,I never saw that hexapod beforeā€¦unbelieveable.Ā  Yours is also great my friend,canā€™t wait to see your next move. Congrat again.

Yes, phenix is really cool!

Yes, phenix is really cool! It is the robot that inspired me to build my one!

Thank you again! Hope to see your one soon! :slight_smile:

Great Work

Great work. I like legged robots. Nice Video


Question1: how can I add some LED effects like kitt or something else without stealing clock cycles?

Question2: same as before but for panning headā€¦

One solution to the problem I saw is this funny deviceĀĀ which would allow me to perform many actions at the same timeā€¦

Or would be better to use another arduino?

Other suggestons are welcome!

It does sound like a Replicator

It looks amazing! I would be terrified to hear that at night in my house. You know what would be even cooler? If it could jump. But I think it could lose balance. Also, as a suggestion, ad some two leds where the eyes are, to glow red in the dark or something. :wink:

Thank you!! :)The idea of

Thank you!! :slight_smile:

The idea of the jump is a littel bit hard to realize because first it would loose balance and secondly the servo power is not enoughā€¦ :frowning:

Leds are on the way, i was thinking about a led bar like kitt or some leds under the body and/or legs but I had some dubts as I said in the previous post!


This is veryā€¦cute!

And complex! I admire your skills!

Thank you! ^_^Initially it

Thank you! Ā ^_^

Initially it seemed me relatively easy to build but subsequently I discovered many ā€œhiddenā€ problemsā€¦! X)

dude, that robot body is

dude, that robot body is perfect!
how did you cut that metal? you had it done somewhere with some laser cutter? it looks so smooth on the edges.
and what about the walking, did you figure the ā€œrhytmā€ yourself, or got inspired by walking sequence of some other robot?

Absolutly awesome man

I would love to try something similar, would you be willing to post the vector plans for the body? I would love to work on a hexapod.

thanks a lot! ^_^about the

thanks a lot! :slight_smile:

about the cutā€¦ oh no I donā€™t have such an advanced machine! the cut of the external edge was made with an angle grinder (this is why they are so smooth) and the internal holes are made with a strange device of which I ignore the name! :smiley:

the walking sequence is the result of months of study above my sketchesā€¦ it had been very hard to put toghether all the six legs but finally I managed to do it (with a lot of satisfaction)!

now iā€™m planning to implement a new walking gait which would allow me to save minutes of operability (i think/hope)!

what do you mean fo vector

what do you mean fo vector plans? the cnc ones? as I said in the previous post I used the so called ā€œelbow greaseā€ (as we say in our coutry to mean that it is handmade)! :slight_smile:

however, thanks for the compliments!

Please make it Jump!

Here is my idea to make it jumpā€¦

From the start position, where the body touches the ground (perhaps just very close to the ground) have all the legs lift the body at once until their tip (that touches the ground) is right below the servo axle. Then, move all the legs back to the start position.Ā Make sure this is a fast move. After you see the robot making hops, add a rotation move so the legs also propel the robot forward. Perhaps the servos are not fast enough, but is worth a try. If you think they can break at landing, just open them out more and have the robot land on itā€™s belly. Install some foam padding on the belly, Iā€™m sure it will help.

Good luck! I love it!

thank you!I got what you

thank you!

I got what you said, and thanks for the idea, but I think that it would be mostly a suicide! :stuck_out_tongue:

it is very heavy and some parts are rather delicate! moreover what you proposed would be a falling, and not properly a jump, wouldnā€™t be?

Seeing that one jump will be

Seeing that one jump will be an epic sight!Ā 

hmmā€¦ Iā€™ll think about itā€¦

hmmā€¦ Iā€™ll think about itā€¦ by now I have lots of upgrades in program and too many things to do outsideā€¦ :(Ā 

but for now you can stay tuned cause a new upgrade is going to be released! :slight_smile:

Amazing work

Great robot, I love the design and the way it moves ! Very impressive :slight_smile:

Juste a few questions, what kind of metal did you use and how did you manage to bend it ?

Finally, Iā€™m interrested in the name of ā€œa strange device of which I ignore the name!ā€ (to cut holes). From the ā€œelbow greaseā€, I guess youā€™re French, so am I ! So if you know the name in French, donā€™t hesitate to share :wink:

Thanks, and congrats again !

1) Thank you very much! :slight_smile:


1) Thank you very much! :slight_smile:

2) the metal used is galvanized iron painted with a silver high resistent spray paint (blak one used for servo brackets)

3) I bent it with a hand brake for 90Ā° angles and with a bending machine the others

4) unfortunately Iā€™m not french (Iā€™m italian) so I canā€™t tell you the name of the device used (even in italian I ignore the name! :D) but it can be described as a pneumatic pump that you use like a crick (in the way you use the lever). This device has on the top two circular cutters (like those ones): one is fixed to the body of the device, the other one is linked with an axle. the more you pump the more it get closer to the other with the effect of cutting a hole. (before you have to make a smaller hole in the metal sheet, in order to insert the axle)Ā 

I hope you understand what Iā€™ve written! Otherwise Iā€™ll try to explain better! :slight_smile:

Thanks !

Well, it seems Italian and French people use the same figurative expression :wink:

Anyway, thatā€™s crystal clear, thanks for your answer and the link ! Iron is a difficult material to work with but you manage to find the good tools :slight_smile:

Thx again !