Robot Marathan Runner: Contest for the Robot Olympics Challenge

I really want that Chassis as well as a SRF05 mount... Can't find one of those anywhere! Vote for meeeee! Please.


MINDSTORMS NXT using a two-legged walking robot.
In the center of gravity to move the ankle, knee bent and her feet to walk properly.




It Drags it's feet, the soles are almost non-skid the brackets along the weather. So, the robot walks straight


Beam with a raised tile Blocks,



The robot from behind, with two ultrasonic sensors in front to detect things ahead

it can detect objects up to 30cm ahead.


Knees and ankles zoomed in.




Navigate around via Infared

  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: Lego Mindstorm NXT
  • Power source: Ni-MH batteries (7.2v total)
  • Sensors / input devices: Infared
  • Target environment: Indoor or outdoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

nice !!!
Thats realy cool i want one

Nice design

But in your description you mention four servos and the ability to turn…

The video and pictures shows only one servo and it only walks in a straight line. Is this only the first sketch/mock-up of a robot still in the making?


/ vzz-clck-"Maneuver"


Superb design.

In the center of gravity to move the ankle, knee bent and her feet to walk properly

Her ? …not often seen… :slight_smile:


I see you’ve changed your description… And here I was hoping you’d made some sort of DIY Lego hardware…

But tell me this: Are you Mr. Yoshihito Isogawa? Since you are posting pictures from Mr. Isogawas website I assume you are him. What happened to the running robot you was building in March? Since you’re posting an almost two year old robot now,I guess something bad happened…


/ vzz-clck-“Maneuver”

What is that smell in here?
What is that smell in here? Fra… Fru… d! ? Fra… what is it? Strange smell…?

Cool… You are into asian as

Cool… You are into asian as well, though representing the US?

I think we can rest assured that


A) You are not going to win

B) We are going to contact your parents and tell them this

C) This post and will be deleted, but let’s have some fun while it is still on air :wink:

Hey, maneuver - how did you
Hey, maneuver - how did you find out? Google on the horrible machine translation?


FritsL… You’re ruining my fun here!!

I was stringing the guy along trying to see how good a liar he was.

Actually I found it through Legos NXTLog. They hosted a Biped Construction Challenge, and this particular biped was being shown as an excample for inspiration. With a short interview by the maker, and his name wasn’t Ethan Steininger, and he had never competed in the Maccabi Games…


/ vzz-clck-“Maneuver”

Sorry… :slight_smile: Hey - Ethan, any
Sorry… :slight_smile: Hey - Ethan, any comments?

I am Ethan?
I am Ethan?


Aren’t we a bit harch now?

Technically there is a possabillity that:

a)Mr. Isogawa copied Robo_Overlords design backin 2006


b) That Mr. Isogawas username at picasaweb is Ethan Steininger


c)That the claim that the robot has four motors and can turn was a typo.

So in case we’re harrazing an innocent person, I’ll continiue to learn more about the robot… So, How do you use the TWO ultrasonic sensors you mention, how are they connected, and why use TWO? I cant understand from the NXT screen capture what they do…

/ vzz-clck-“Maneuver”

Machines are nearly always female. Here, cars are almost always referred to as “her”. All my robots are female. But that’s because they’re stubborn … !

Ethan… Who made that robot?
Ethan… Who made that robot?

…and cruel. Since when were there no cheats in sporting events?

THIS is my entry

…as you can see, I’ve covered it in lifelike latex.


Almost done…


Almost done.... Where did you get your latex ?

Wow, you are all improving!

Wow, you are all improving!

Nice work guys, knew you had it in you all along, nice!

Is that FritsLDR for eyes?
Is that FritsLDR for eyes? Slick!