Robot Marathan Runner: Contest for the Robot Olympics Challenge

Backstreet shop
I know this place which sells kinky underwear. That’s where I got the latex.

You can’t delete this - it’s a work of art.

Bah. That’s nothing.

Herez my nu rbotz datz gnna rulz da wurld

Twig girdler damage Schulte copy.preview.jpg

The first one has 36 servos and can swing around its point of gravity and has momentum and stuff.

The second uses IR, ultrasound and ultralight to navigate, the radar isn't working yet, but will mount a X-ray to see through obsticalz.

The third can friggin' fly.

The fourth one is invisible.

Beat that!!

-Oh and the wife wont let me wear latex on weekday..

/ vzz-clck-"Maneuver"

I can clearly see the fourth one. Perhaps it’s switched off? Switch it on and take a new photograph and I’ll tell you if I can still see it.

They sure are both brown and
They sure are both brown and sticky!

hello i have this certain

hello i have this certain kit.

the descrition says it navigates via infrared. i would like to point out the sensor is an ultrasonic range sensor.
also the Single cable coming from the front of the robot show it only has one servo motor attatched.
dude its not cool