
This is the ratb0t, he has a nervous behavior and remainds me a rat… :]

I´m using an Arduino Diecimila to control the steering servo and the traction motor.

The XBee module recieves data from another Arduino, this one has a wii nunchuck controller attached.

Next Step: make it autonomous

Update: 31 Jan 09

I´ve added two ultra sound sensors and now I´m trying to make this bot a wall racer. Due to its drifting capabilities its being very hard to code this, but I will find a way.
I´ve replaced the 4 AA batteries by a small 7.2V battery and now he has more power wich also means more nerves… :smiley:

So, after a couple of hours of trying and trying, I quit, and decided to relax and enjoy some drifts… :]

Update: 5 . Feb . 2009

my first attempt of making this bot autonomous… obcessed by walls… a wall racer!
slow for now… next time will be faster

just added one more video

Update: 6 . Feb . 2009

new video with another attempt :slight_smile:

Wall Racer or RC

  • Actuators / output devices: servo, Braun Silk Epil (Hair Removal)
  • Control method: RC or SRF05
  • CPU: Arduino
  • Power source: 7.2V
  • Programming language: C
  • Sensors / input devices: RC or SRF05
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/ratb0t

Hey, I totally love this
Hey, I totally love this one! I want one!!

:Dthanks the front part…


the front part… welll… its from … i dont´t know the name in english, it´s from a vandalized Epilady thing… :slight_smile:

COUGH Hair Remover COUGH
COUGH Hair Remover COUGH

yeah!! Hair Remover lol
yeah!! Hair Remover lol …it was a gift from my mother, she told me it was broken and I never tried to repair it :smiley:

Yaw! > Tell her you have
Yaw! > Tell her you have fixed it, and send us the video :smiley:

This is a COOL ROBOT. 5
This is a COOL ROBOT. 5 stars totally!

it was the first thing I
it was the first thing I did :smiley: she loved it :smiley:

thnx :slight_smile:
thnx :slight_smile:

**Way cool! Very original. **
Way cool! Very original.

THat’s pretty cool! Now to
THat’s pretty cool! Now to try robot wall racers with drift.

yeah!! I was thinking in
yeah!! I was thinking in chasing corners… in fact it is the wall racer concept :wink:

**and another on make blog! **


This time ratbot, good effort mate.

thnx :smiley:
thnx :smiley:

Ratb0t also an official hacked gadget now!






i like that!


How do you controll a robot with a wii controller. Bluetooth? Is it possible to controll a nxt robot with it?

/Emil Hemdal (SWE)

I´m using Xbee modules, you can see them here… I don´t know about NXT

Wow… A really cool robot

Wow… A really cool robot has just turned cooler!

Boy, if you are having any problems programming that thing, send it to me, I’d really love to play with it :wink: