
I like the new sonic sensors you added. Might make it a bit tough to code but its still cool.

I will try more coding on
I will try more coding on Monday, let´s see what happens… If I don´t like the results I´ll send it to you :wink:

Edit: it will be a pleasure to see what you can do with it :wink:

True, it´s not easy, but is
True, it´s not easy, but its opening my mind into new possibilities… :slight_smile:

Coding sliding stuff is

Coding sliding stuff is really, really fun!

Just because I cannot shut up - I know it’s your robot and all :wink: :

I’d set up rules for it, priorites. The Wall Racer’s code is not THAT readable, but it’s kinda short, and if you read it, you may notice that it is simply a setof rules, sharply prioritized like:


Start engine!


0) Is anything close in front? If so, make 3 point turn (See “how to code a 3 point turn”. Go back to Start!

1) Is anything in front? If so turn right. Go back to Start!

3) Are we too far away from the wall? If so, turn a little to the left. Go back to start!

… and then some more priorities to keep on track, depending on how your vehicle is driving; I had to make sure we where not zig-zagging, and calculate if we where “on the wrong side of the desired path, but moving in the right direction”, and so do nothing, only if we where at "the wrong side of the desired path, and getting worse"

This way of “prioritizing”, and all the time go back to start, to check from top priority and down makes it very easy & fun to develop, you just start from the top yourself, and make it wor, the numba zero, move on to one, 2, 3 etc. Make sure you do not skip to the next before the previous works, and you are 100% game :slight_smile:

(Note that the wall racers
(Note that the wall racers have the opposite driving direction, I reversed the statemants above for your convienience, so it (should) fit to your thing)

So, for us techies, that’s a

So, for us techies, that’s a switch statement inside an infinite loop and a few sub-routines. Which is the basic structure of just about every interactive program that I’ve ever written from databases through AI vision and operating systems to multi-player role-playing games.


I think the trick with this

I think the trick with this bot should be something like this:

when he turns, he must quickly turn to the opposite side and then turn again quicly to the center to correct its path, otherwise it will start driftin and loose the track… now the fun will be to translate this to code :smiley:

take a look at the 1"23’ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1WE-Ld-J8c

this is being a busy week,
this is being a busy week, no time/patience for coding… :frowning:

thats pretty good!

He just needs to backup when against the wall. lol

He even sqeeks like a rat. :smiley:

yep, the 3-point-turn
yep, the 3-point-turn thingey! :slight_smile:

It’s brilliant!
It’s brilliant!

I still have to try to make
I still have to try to make it to stay closer to the wall…

I’m loving this bot.

I’m loving this bot.  Thanks for sharing!

Look very cool


ratb0t challenge

https://www.robotshop.com/letsmakerobots/node/18438    :slight_smile:

ratb0t challenge :slight_smile:

ratb0t challenge  :slight_smile: