Offline Message from Mik Stampe Fogh

Hello! Not sure if this have been put into the correct category, but please move it if another cat fits better.

I need to build a spherical remote controlled robot, preferably 50cm in diameter and rugged (it needs to roll in forest). I will be used in an arts project. I found this tutorial, but would very much appreciate to hear if there are other ideas:

I am not sure exactly how to find the right parts, or if there are better solutions really.

Thanks a lot!

If somebody would be open to build if for me, I would be happy to pay for it as well… (though my budget is limited)

Hello @mikstampe and welcome to the RobotShop community,

You seem to be on the right track with that tutorial, great find!

You can also find some inspiration in the Robots section. For example:

Here’s a great general tutorial on How To Make A Robot, and perhaps these could be of interest:

And you might also want to check out some ready solutions like Sphero.

I hope that helps!

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Thanks, I will look into those but what I was really hoping for was somebody to help me more specifically with the robot by linking to the exact items i would need or by building it for me (for a fee, of course). I dont have the knowledge or the experience to know how to decipher the articles you are linking to unfortunately.

thanks again,

If you are looking for something already made then this could be a great option:

If you want to build it then the parts mentioned in the tutorial you shared seem to be great

If you need help finding the parts on the website let me know
