Lynxmotion Quadrino Nano - UAV / Drones Flight Controller

Happy to announce that my maiden flight went OK. Here is short video:

Footage is short because after landing dog owners started to gather for evening walk and I have decided not to try again because I do not want to hurt someone or to damage my tri.

Perfect, it’s not that bad for a first flight.
Have you ever flown a copter before ?

No! First time!

I use 4S battery. What is needed to monitor battery status via WINGUI?

You need to add a resistor and change the values for the scaling.
We will get back with the right value.

Very good krkljan!!!

Now I discovered two problems:

] it is reported below. I discovered that that option toggles the following code: //Enables the MSP_WP command set , which is used by WinGUI for displaying an setting up navigation //#define USE_MSP_WP
Is it right?/

  1. the second problem is still about GPS.
    The option “Don’t reset home at ARM” is always DISABLED. I set it to Disable for my personal choice
    The reason is that I thought that by arming the copter, it will wait for satellites, and if positive it will register its current location and save it. Pushing the stick on GPS HOME it should bring the copter back, to the same place where it started.
    Now: it happens that the copter, once I move the stick to come home, starts in a West direction with full power and I have to disable that option to get it back. So there are only two reasons to me:

] the copter needs a map with a home waypoints. Without it, it will never save the current location where it took off;/:m]
] the copter has some problems in the code and that option didn’t get trigged;/:m]
Any idea?

I have tried gps hold three times. Two times was holding position with little bit of drift. Third time wanted to go away.

Also i have tried to do gps return to home and what it has done was very scary. Tricoper started to do powerful very small diameter turns. It was like fighter jet was doing high g manouvers. I got scared and turned off gps home and took over manual control.

Maybe I am pushing tok hard myself. Two days ago got first time in the air rc vehicle in my life.

Will watch closely what other do and read their posts.

Yes the description is wrong here, we will update that in a future release. This option does define or not the “//#define USE_MSP_WP”
You should have it activated, that’s probably part of the reasons why the copter is not working well when using “HOME”

Thanks dialfonzo. I will give it a try in the next days, when I have more time.

Anyway, I wanted to try to compile the QN software under Linux using the Arduino IDE. You posted here, some days ago in an older post, a package and in there I cannot find the file: “kipkool.h”
Since I have a VTAIL I need that file to be able to compile. Even in the MultiWii forum was I not able to find it. Is it a specific file that must be used with the QN FCT?

I have not a working Windows workstation at the moment…and for a while…for this reason I wanted to try under linux.

Did you plan a linux release of the FCT in the future?
I suppose you programmed it with C#. It should be too hard to port it to a linux distribution. Functions like server communication by starting the application should be very easy to port. The IDE could be a problem, a switch to QT should be a must to make portable software.


The define is handled a bit on the side with the FCT.
I made a pack here (which i will update on the server soon) that include the NewVTail.h as well as define it in the config.h.

In config.h it’s called

#define MY_PRIVATE_MIXING "NewVTail.h" (183 KB)

  1. Is there any word on the Advanced wiring kit?
  2. And was it ever confirmed that “SBUS” receivers should be connected to the “Spektrum” port on the bottom?
    I have a FrSky receiver and would like to hook up the SBUS to try and get more than 8 channels.

Regarding the advanced wiring kit, we are ironing out some issues, so we cannot release it yet, but we’ll certainly keep you posted. Attached you will find a drawing of what it should look like when it’s released.

The SBUS need some more hardware to work. The SBus is an inverted serial communication.
We plan to make a PCB in the future that will take care of that function.

Hi All,

We have some of our samples of Advance Wiring Kit that could be sent to people that need them before they are actually ready and in stock. Each bag would contain a i2c / UART cable, IO cable and Tricopter servo power cable.

There is a limited quantity since they where samples for approval so contact me in PM if you are interested in getting one set free.

The pins are populated on the wires but not inserted in their connector so customer can choose which one (and only one) are needed. The pinout for I2C and UART is slightly different but the connector is the same so only one product is created.

Pinouts are available and if you need help just ask.

Hi Eric, could you just post photo of tricopter harness?

The Tricopter harness is a set of wires going from one of the ESC BEC to power the Servo.
You can see it in the picture above it’s the bag on the right. Here is a better view of them and how they are used on the Motor Wiring Harness.

Very nice!!! :slight_smile:

Hi all!
Has anybody tested nano’s GPS modes?
If yes can you share PIDs?

Hi All,

We have a first user manual version to release today about the Quadrino Nano. This version does cover most of the “Quick Start” section but, there will be future improvements for a better
user experience. You are welcome to provide us with any feedback that you feel might improve that experience. We will add more information for DIY (do it yourself) people that want to use the Quadrino Nano as a development platform and/or are using their own Arduino code.

UAV/Drone Flight Controller User Manuals
Lynxmotion UAV - Quadrino Nano - User Guide V1.0.pdf (3.09mb)

Note: The second post have been updated with the right link as well.

Eric Nantel - DiaLFonZo

Hi All,

We now have the extra Advance wiring cables ready. They will give you access to the extra ports available on the Quadrino Nano.At the same time, We just released a new section on the RobotShop Blog about our Quadrino Nano. Tutorials will be posted there about different aspects of MultiWii and setting up a flight controller. The first one talk about the “Battery Monitoring & Alarms” and could also help any MultiWii user.

RobotShop Blog / GoRobotics >> Education / Tutorials / Quadrino Nano Tutorials

Lynxmotion Quadrino Nano Advanced Wiring Kit - RobotShop / Lynxmotion
Lynxmotion Quadrino Nano I2C & UART Wiring Harness - RobotShop / Lynxmotion
Lynxmotion Quadrino Nano IO Wiring Harness - RobotShop / Lynxmotion
Lynxmotion Quadrino Nano Servo Power Wiring Harness - RobotShop / Lynxmotion
Lynxmotion Quadrino Nano Motor & Receiver Wiring Harness - RobotShop / Lynxmotion

All the best,

Problems that I don’t know how solve. I have issues with mag and gps. Everything is calibrated. When I turn mag on my tri starts to rotate, it doesnt hold tail. Baro is working perfectly. Gps is not working properly. Pos hold is drifting away. When I started rth it crashed to the ground. Luckily no damage to my tri. I have just spent one hour searching for it. What ,i am doing wrong?