Lynxmotion Quadrino Nano - UAV / Drones Flight Controller

Upload of Dialfonzo file successful.

Servo still not moving.

I know it could be stupid but please make a try with the following settings.

In the config.h at line 249 you have the following code line


please uncomment that line by removing the double slash (//)

AND try to set this option too (line 230)

/* NEW: not used anymore for servo coptertypes <== NEEDS FIXING - MOVE TO WIKI */ //#define YAW_DIRECTION 1 #define YAW_DIRECTION -1 // if you want to reverse the yaw correction direction
Pay attention: I commented the FIRST LINE and uncommented the second line.

Than please save, compile and upload…and hope something works

Tried. Not working.

Maybe should Eric say something about this :slight_smile:
I found out that the MultiWii 2.3 (not the last version) supports the Quadrino Nano
I would give a try, downloading the 2.3 and doing all the things you have already done.

Or wait for Eric for better suggestions…I run out of ideas

Ah! And by configuring remove please GPS and other things that you donÄ’t need now

Did you arm the copter?!?
It is important that you arm it before trying

Downloading 2.3.

Of course I arm copter

We are on it now… There is something about “#define MEGA_HW_PWM_SERVOS” in config.h that is defined.
This should be resolved soon in the FCT not to be defined. Tested manually with Arduino IDE and it does work.

[code] /*********************** HW PWM Servos **********************/
HW PWM Servo outputs for Arduino Mega… moves:
Pitch = pin 44
Roll = pin 45
CamTrig = pin 46
SERVO4 = pin 11 (aileron left for fixed wing or TRI YAW SERVO)
SERVO5 = pin 12 (aileron right for fixed wing)
SERVO6 = pin 6 (rudder for fixed wing)
SERVO7 = pin 7 (elevator for fixed wing)
SERVO8 = pin 8 (motor for fixed wing) */

//#define MEGA_HW_PWM_SERVOS[/code]

Nice catch!!!

Although I read that option and I thought that it is ok, since QN based on the mega is.

IT IS WORKING!!! Jihahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!

Can’t thank you both enough.

It changes the pin assignment to ones that support hardware PWM instead of requiring the software/firmware to do it in code through timers.
Now the FCT is patched, if you re-select your profile (after re-starting the FCT) it will prompt you to update the config.h

With the FCT ? You updated the config.h when the FCT told you ?


I’e done it via FCT and is working perfectly. FCT asked me to update profile.

Nice to know that your problem has been fixed now.

Anyway…I updated the software to the last version and suddendly I realized that under the GPS label, hovering with the cursor above the GPS Option “Enable Waypoints (READ WARNING)” compares a help message telling that “For better 'GPS control install a MAG externally…”

I m not sure if that message really represents what the option does.

Most probably it enables instead in the code the following option:

//Enables the MSP_WP command set , which is used by WinGUI for displaying an setting up navigation //#define USE_MSP_WP

Is it right?


Yesterday I tried to lift Tricopter in the air and I had two problems:

  1. It wanted to yaw to the right but I repaired immediately problem.
  2. It flipped upside down without stick inputs. Luckily, I have spinners so TRI was spinning on the floor on spinners. No damage.

After those two situations I have checked endpoint settings and test TRI without propellers and it seems that now will be OK. I will go today on open space near my apartment and try to lift it. I hope that my maiden will be successful.

If somebody has some advice for maiden, I would like to hear it.

This is also one of questions that I had for FCT but my priority was to first get servo working.

Can we also get explanation about GPS filters - Lead Compesation, both etc.

[font=Arial][size=2]I have noticed on [highlight=#ffffff]Alexinparis (Alexandre Dubus) tricopter that QN is pointing back to the tail instead to the nose. I think he changed code regarding "sensors orientation’.[/highlight][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=2][highlight=#ffffff]Maybe it could be possible to add similar possibility in FCT to turn QN (90, 180, 270 degrees) for easier installation (maybe somebody wants to turn QN for easier wiring).[/highlight][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=2][highlight=#ffffff]Personally, I find little bit problematic GPS antenna connection. I would like to fit GPS antena after QN and not in front.[/highlight][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=2][highlight=#ffffff]What do you think?[/highlight][/size][/font]

We already have a function in our roadmap that will allow for mounting the QN