Lynxmotion Quadrino Nano - UAV / Drones Flight Controller

What exactly do you turn ON when you switch the MAG ?
Usually the MAG is combined with other Modes like ANGLE/HORIZON, how have you calibrated your MAG exactly ?

RTH will only work if you have enough satellites to actually use the function. Can you as well zip your profile (FCT) and attach it here so we can look at the settings you have done ?
A print-screen of your “RC Control Settings” page would be nice too.

I have combined mag with horizon mode and I have expected to have tail thais pointed in one direction until changed via yaw control. Mag is calibrated by turning calibrate mode in wingui and turning copter in all directions.

As for Rth and pos hold I had 10-11 sats available so I had 3d lock.

I will post my settings in one week because I am on business trip.

Advanced wiring kit looks really cool, will probably order one soon.

Oh, actual question: What is the best configuration settings for an extreme beginner? I noticed the one slider, between passive and very sporty mode, seemed to have yellow, green, and red color coding, to denote about where one might want it set. But then turning up like… wobble compensation… I think, was very red, but it seems like something a beginner would want to have on strong. About where should I have these set?

First setting “Flight Control Aggression” should be set based on your experience and overall feeling. If you are an absolute beginner, you might want to lower it more toward the Yellow side so the copter will be a little less responsive from your transmitter inputs. You can always go back and set it higher later on if you feel you have learn more and also you can raise the “Rate” in the WinGUI to get more reaction to your copter without using the FCT at all.

For the Wobble, this is something you might or not experience and related to your frame/electronics components. If you experience wobble, you can go back there, increase the compensation and click on the “Show PIDs” than write the new settings. No need to go to the “Flash” page to do the change.

]Flight Control Aggression:​This will affect how aggressively your Copter will react to your inputs. It controls the overall gain of the control system PID response. FPV pilots would likely lower this some and acrobatic pilots would increase it but we recommend changing in small increments. /:m]
]Wobble Compensation: ​If you experience some “wobble” from your copter during maneuvers, this will often solve the issue/:m]

Source: Lynxmotion UAV - Quadrino FCT User Guide V1.0.pdf

Hi All,

We updated the MultiWii Connection diagrams. Major addition is the color matching to the (printed) Motor Wiring Harness provided with the Quadrino Nano. This avoid users to go back and forth between the Manual and the EZ-Connect Card. The propellers in Orange are the one on the Top of the Drone and the Yellow ones on the bottom. (when the Copter Type need it)

Hope that help…! (2.9 MB)


ReflaShed Nano via FCT and servo is not moving. Can you check if something is messed up with [font=Monaco, Courier New, monospace][highlight=#fafafa]//#define MEGA_HW_PWM_SERVOS [/highlight][/font]while last update of FCT?

Edit: I have checked code via Preview and saw that this option is uncommented and should be commented. Could you change it?

Hi, Folks,
After lots of distractions I’m finally trying to get my V-Tail 500 with QN into the air. I’ve been through the FCT numerous times but the QN won’t arm.

When I plug the device into the battery, I get rapid flashing of the blue (Stable) LED. What does this mean?

Any suggestions welcomed!


First you need to adjust your endpoints on your transmitter (for start go to 120%). After that go to wingui and check all channels endpoints. It should be min 1000 (no bellow) and 2000 (no above). Close to those values it should be ok.

Then try to arm via yaw stick down end right or left. If endpoints are not calibrated properly it won’t arm.

You can also try to arm via switch (set in wingui).

What also comes to mind is esc not calibrated properly.

I hope something works for you.

Looking into it. Appreciate the effort.

Thank you. I suspected the endpoint adjustments were the problem…I have the throttle at 125% but none of the others. I’ll also recalibrate the ESCs.

No more flying for me :cry: :cry:

USB port on Quadrino Nano fell off completely (and I was very gentle with USB port). Now I have no possibility to change anything on it. Luckily I have managed to re-flash via Arduino to get servo moving again before it felt off. I think that I will be flying just in horizon mode.

I’ll try to get Bluetooth for it. Can somebody point what dongle to get and what cable?

We can certainly look into exchanging the PCB. Can you describe a bit as to what happened?
To answer your question about the Bluetooth, you would need: … odule.html
with: … rness.html
or … g-kit.html

Last night I was trying to calibrate Mag and suddenly it just fet off. No force was applied to cable or to USB. I was rotating my tricopter (folded - didn’t want to accidentaly pull cable with arm) and first wingui reported error of losing connection with FC. Then I have restarted wingui disconnected FC. Then I have connected FC with wingui and started mag calibration and then it just felt off.

Regarding this bluetooth you provided link for me - what is the operating range. I think that I will purchase it. It will be better after flashing to use for setup.

The Bluetooth has a standard ~10m line of sight range. I an building, the range drops significantly because of walls.

Here is photo of nano without usb:

Give us a shout via the support center - we should be able to replace the board.
E-mail [email protected] with your order or invoice number and a link to this thread.

We just looked at that in the FCT and when we set a new profile with only “TRI” and “GPS” setup, the line is defined. (picture attached)
Can you provide your complete FCT profile zipped ?

Sorry to know for your USB port.

Sorry for the long wait, have you been able to “Arm” your Quadrino Nano since ?

About the Stable/Blue LED, it will provide stable information from by MultiWii. Should be ON when the copter is Armed and in Stable (Angle / Horizon) mode.
However, if the GPS is activated the default setting will display GPS information as follow:

  • No GPS FIX -> LED blink at speed of incoming GPS frames
  • Fix and sat no. bellow 5 -> LED off
  • Fix and sat no. >= 5 -> LED blinks, one blink for 5 sat, two blinks for 6 sat, three for 7 …