Lynxmotion Quadrino Nano - UAV / Drones Flight Controller

Can you Zip the profile folder and attach it here ?
There is a link in the FCT under the profile name where you can browse your computer for the profile.

Attached working QUADX and non working TRI.
Test (109 KB)
Tricopter (65.3 KB)

DialFonZo had a nice idea… So it seems not to be related to the hw on the board.

KrKjlian: how about flashing the board directly through the MultiWii software?
All you need is:

  • install Arduino IDE (maybe you have it already);
  • download the MultiWii latest software;
  • start Arduino IDE and configure the file config.h by uncommenting/commentig the various options;
  • it could be hard at the beginning, but I can tell you that in 2 days you can do that config file in less than 5 minutes;
  • compile it and flash it through Arduino iDE directly to the board (QN);

tell us, if you feel comfortable to do that or not. If you get scared from programming or something like that then,forget it.
I can support you as much as I can.


And can you tell us, which tricopter model do you have?
Which company designed it? Which model specifically?

Could be that you connect the Servo to the wrong wire?

In the QN you have 8 wires. Only the first four are used for a normal - conventional - quadrotor (4 motors);
But I suppose that you connected the servo to the same wire, where the 4th motor of a QUADROTOR is supposed to be.
If there is a wrong pin assignment in the code, that was not detected yet, could be that the right wire of the servo is one of the wires #5 or #6 or #7 or #8.

So you could try to connect the servo to the remaing wires and see if you catch the right one.


[font=Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][highlight=#fbfbfb]@wilhem[/highlight][/font]

I can test all your proposals (Luckily, I am not scared too much!).

Once again I cannot thank You and Eric enough for the help!

For nothing…

Here (from the link above):


It could be (it is only speculation) that for some reasons the software doesn’t set the right output for the servo.

In other words:

  • try connecting the servo to the wire #6 leaving the wire #4 free;
  • if it doesn’t work try the same thing with all the remaing wires (#8, #7, #5);

Let us know!!!

I am little bit confused now: Do I need to try connect servo on motor outputs or on servo outputs under QN?

I was able to get my servo moving this weekend when testing for you. But i do have a similar problem now at work.
Will dig that today as i don’t have output on the D2 in TRI mode and i should have…

No no…

From the official document you have the following assignations:


So configure the tricopter as follows:

D3 => Motor
D5 => Motor
D6 => Motor
Ok…leave that assignations as they are. Don’t move them!

Now the servo:
D2 => (this should be the servo now) Is D2 connected to the braun wire (Motor 2 following picture) now? If yes dann switch it by connecting it to the pink wire (Motor 7), if doesn’t work to Motor 8…if not working to Motor 9 and lately to Motor 10

Is it clear now?

Now is clear.

Tried to connect servo to other outputs and resukt is negative.

the only possible way is to try to flash the board with the MultiWii code direct and using the Arduino IDE

Please take a look to both of them and if you feel ready, can we make a try.
To do that read the following document (it is for the old MultiWii but it is valid for the QN too) until page 8


I am downloading all necessary software.

If you wish to connect I can provide info

I think it is better that you try, because otherwise we need more time for the connection.

I can support you by configuring the config.h

Please take your time and read it 3-4 times before starting to flash the board!!!

You will discover that all that option are set by the quadrino software via GUI. but the “motor” is always the same

Tried, but confused because in multiwii2.4 there is not quadrino nano.

I am stuck.

Download the file here if you want to try:
MultiWii_2_4 - Quadrino Nano

I don’t think, as i said, that it will solve the problem. Looking at it here as i have now the same problem.

But Alexander Dobus is able to fly is tricopter…and with a QN installed… Most probably, as the brain behind the MultiWii project, he used the multiwii program to flash it and not the QN utility.
Or he has a completely different type of tricopter…not sure
Or trying with an old version of the MultiWii (e.g. 2.3)

Try with the file provided by Eric

I’m trying to dig the reason. This weekend i was able to make my servo move at home.
That was with a different PC and QN.