Lynxmotion Quadrino Nano - UAV / Drones Flight Controller

Believe me I have done that also! I have sent you Pm with data to coonect to my computer

For tricopter, it’s not the easiest right now cause the “Motor Wiring Harness” is build for ESC’s.
On a tricopter you need to power the Yaw servo since there are no power populated from the D2 connection. We will make a set of Jumping cables between one of the ESC’s to the D2 connection so providing power to the servo as well as grounding it.

In the meantime, the connection need to be properly made to work.

  • Pull the Positive and Negative wires from the servo connector
  • Connect the servo to D2 (Brown)
  • Power the servo from an external source BEC 5V (one of the two remaining ESC’s is the best)
  • Connect the Ground/Negative wire of the servo to the QN negative as well if your power source for the servo is not on the same ground as the Quadrino Nano

To get movement on the Yaw servo, the board need to be in “ARM” state which require calibration of the ACC and MAG and be on a level surface. Also, you need the End Points to be adjusted unless you will never reach the Arming trigger.

(this explanation is valid for everyone - that’s why i’m saying it in details)

Dear Eric,
Thanks for the efforts providing.

Both QN and servo are powered from same BEC (I have separate BEC - not ESC BEC). So ground/negative and positive are connected right way. I am using this powerdistribution + BEC: … ion-frame/

Still not working!

I tried just for test to connect servo wire to motor wire and it has moved servo to one side when armed. It seems that I have done wiring properly.

Is there, maybe, possibility to check somehow if QN is sending signal via brown wire except WinGui?

The esc’s signal is sent even without an Armed board.
Can you send a print screen of the Flight Deck when armed?

Hi Eric,
Here is Flight deck screenshot attached.

Could you try simply with an another servo?

Much better: check with an oscilloscope if the signal TO the servo (FROM QN TO servo) is really sent.

This is my only servo.

I’ll see this week with my brother if signal is sent by oscilloscope.

Check the signal
And please…buy another servo before messing up the board.
I don’t know where you live, but here in europe one servo costs about 7-8 €, the same in $


I will not mess with the board. My brother is phd in electronics so he will just check the sugnal. I believe that servo is ok because it is working if I send signal from receiver. I am from Croatia so if I order new servo I will wait two weeks.

Don’t take it as an offense!!! Simply if one does too much changes with the board than it is much more difficult to understand what happen.

So…you said that swichting motor/servo same thing? Or the motors react?

How fit are you with microcontrollers? Have you ever set up a UART? If yes, would you try to analyse the multiwii protocoll? I will try to support you if needed

Hi I’am not offended. I have just pointed that I as a rookie won’t be messing with QN.

As I said I am completely new in this hobby so I don’t have experience with micro controllers. I am prepared to to anything to set my tri. I am very thankful for all guys that are helping me to resolve problem. I hope that someday I’ll return help to the hobby.

This is what I have figured out:

  • Motors are arming and turning - I believe this is OK
  • When tricopter is armed and motors spinning I apply throttle and then move tricopter in various direction - it is visible that motors are speeding or slowing to level tricopter - I think that QN is flashed and set correctly via FCT
  • I have tried just for test to connect servo wire to motor wire and servo moved to the left and stayed there - I think if I applied throttle that servo would then go to opposite direction
  • I have checked all connections and soldering but this is also OK
  • I believe that QN is not sending signal on D2 output

Hoping that my writing is understandable

THX to all

Please try it!!! And give us a feedback.

Check connections to the servo with a logic analyzer or an oscilloscope.

That the point…to check this you need an USB-UART converter: like this one. Ask your brother. He knows what I mean.
If he has such tool, then can we check if the board is sending the right pulse or not.

Are you using linux or windows?

[blockquote][blockquote][highlight=#ececec]krkljan wrote:[/highlight][/blockquote][/blockquote][blockquote][blockquote][font=Lucida Grande, Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]- I think if I applied throttle that servo would then go to opposite direction [/font][/blockquote][/blockquote]
Please try it!!! And give us a feedback.

Will test this today and post here.

I am using windows and if necessary can provide Team Viewer connection.[/td][/tr][/table]

Mh…I m behind a proxy and using debian. I don’t know if it would work…
But it could be a good idea.

Anyway try it and ask your brother about the USB serial connection. Then can we go further.

Another test that can be done.
Try to flash the QN with a QUADX mode, D2 will be a motor now so you can test the output.


Great idea. Will do that today and post results.

I am so happy to see that people are helping me. Thanks a lot to everybody involved.

@Eric - Dialfonzo
Flashed with Quad X and servo is working. On min throttle is on one side and when throttle applied it moves to the opposite site. All motors spinning.

Ok - That confirm there are not hardware issue.
Can you try back with TRI and arm the Quadrino Nano. The servo should move when you move the Quadrino Nano.

Flashed new profile of TRI back to qN and situation is still the same. Servo is not moving.