Lynxmotion Quadrino Nano - UAV / Drones Flight Controller

Can you post pictures of your wiring?

What do you mean with “it is not working”?
Do see LEDs blinking?
What happen if you start the GUI?

Everything is working except servo. It is not leveling servo and is not moving.

I assure you that everything is connected properly! Sorry for bad photo

Did you mean Servos or ESC?!??

I mean servo on tricopter tail

start again your QN configurator as you already many times did. At the end post your config.h .
It is possible to visualize it at the screen where you are going to upload your firmware.


On your picture, the Quadrino seems to be connected the right way.
With the ESC powering it from the D3 wiring connection.

You need to make sure to power your Servo from a source and both the QN source and the Servo source on the same Ground (negative).
Can you explain how you connected the powering for your servo ?

QN is powered via D3 motor ESC BEC and servo is powered via power distribution board BEC.

Maybe I can power QN via powerdistribution BEC and not via D3 ESC?

Here are more information about the LED’s present on the Quadrino Nano

]Quadrino Nano - Power / Green[list]
]Inform the user that the board is properly powered./:m]/
]Alarm / Red / D32
]This is configurable in the FCT and will flash as well as trigger a pin on the IO port when active./:m]/
]Status / Orange / D13
]LED status signification ()/
]AUX1 / Green / D30
]Presently linked with the Status LED in MultiWii code. /:m]/
]Stable / Blue / D31
]Stable information provided by MultiWii. Should be ON when the copter is Armed and in Stable (Angle / Horizon) mode./:m]/
]Serial1 RX / Green /:m]
]Serial1 TX / Red/:m]
]GPS Status / Blue
]This is connected to the GPS chip status output. It is not triggered by the ATmega2560 and we do not have any control on it./:m]
]Steady when no or under 5 satellites are lock and blinking over 5./:m]/

(*) LED status signification

At initialization:

]a short blink means there is no ACC connected (Nunchuk or other)/:m]
]a long blink means there is an ACC connected (Nunchuk well recognized or other)/:m]During field setup via LCD:

]there is a fast blink at the beginning of the setup mode, and at the end/:m]
]there is a fast blink when a parameter is increased/decreased, and when the parameter is changed/:m]After the initialization:

]LED is ON when the motors are armed/:m]
]LED is OFF when the motors are not armed/:m]General issues:

]The blinks at the initialization is very long (more than 5s): it is sometimes the case with a WMP+NK configuration. A way to correct this is to increase the INTERLEAVING DELAY in the sketch. (from 3000 to 3500 or 4000) The LED is permanently blinking: it indicates a wrong connection between I2C devices and the Arduino (maybe a switch between SCA and SCL lines) After trying to arm, the LED stays off: check your RX connection and set correctly the radio end point to match the range 1000-2000 in the GUI/:m]

You want to make sure both Negatives are connected to the Quadrino Nano.
Unless the Servo and the QN are not on the same and this can lead to failure when the servo read the PWM signal of position.

You can power the QN and the Servo from the same BEC, you just have to remove the pins from the D3 connector and use them on the BEC.
However, have you setup your tricopter servo in the WinGUI ?

I’ll try to test it with negative wiring.

I have setup servo in wingui.

Hi All,

Here is a video made by Alexinparis (Alexandre Dubus). For people who don’t know, he is the creator of MultiWii and been working ever since on the project (and we can’t thank him enough for that).
He used his first Tri-Copter frame originally used to code the MultiWii but with a Lynxmotion Quadrino Nano and give it a ride.

Eric Nantel - DiaLFonZo

Hi Eric,

Now are QN and tail servo on same BEC and is not working. Everything is connected properly, and set in FCT and WinGui. I don.t know what to do next. When I connect signal from servo directly to receiver it works (It was just test if everything is OK mechanically and electrically).

It does nothing at all ? Do you hear a “Humm” sound from it at least ?
Can you post a picture of the WinGUI on the “FC Config” page ?

It does nothing.

If you wish I can provide team viewer connection to you!

Ok, let’s start from the real start.
On the “Flight Deck” page you have the Tricopter model drawing. In there you have all the signals output to the motors as well as the servo.
When you are moving the Quadrino Nano, do you see the “Servo” value move ?
Tricopter - Motor & Servo Outputs.png

That is moving. But real servo is not moving.

Have you “arm” the Quadrino Nano to make your tests ?
Unless the signal is not sent to the Servo.