Lynxmotion Quadrino Nano - UAV / Drones Flight Controller

HaHa… :slight_smile:
We try our best to release it today if we resolve all the little issues in time.

2-56 or 4-40 mounting screws?

The Quadrino Nano Flight Controller comes with 4 x .75" 2-56 screws for mounting.
Will 4 x .75" 4-40 screws work as well?

Thanks Regor

The thing that’s mystifying me, is that the Nano seems to come with the wrong screws for mounting it to the spacers provided with the V-Tails.

There are two mounting options provided in the box. One is with a double side tape on a flat surface.
The other one (and one to use with a vtail) is to use the 2-56 screws and mount directly to the mounting holes of the frame. Without standoffs.

For people that will want to rise the controller or fit on a 45mm (standard) mounting pattern, we will have a plate kit.

Alright, that’s very helpful. I imagine getting that type of nut on under the frame is going to be kinda hard, but I’ll have to give it a shot.

The plate kit looks pretty useful though, particularly for getting the GPS and receiver all mounted together nicely. When do you expect to offer that?

On the vtail, you can remove the top center plate to mount the Quadrino Nano on it before get it back to it’s original place.

About the mounting kit, we are waiting on a first shipment to take pictures and list it online.

Itwill also make it easier to move it from frame to frame as well as access the bottom connections.

Hello, Eric,
Obviously I was kidding about wanting the new FCT program NOW. I want it when you and your team are comfortable releasing it. As the quote says “We will sell no wine (read: FCT) before its time.”

Regarding the mounting hardware: I had no difficulty attaching the Q-N (abbreviation for Quadrino Nano) to my Hunter V-Tail 500 using the supplied screws. The adapter you posted is cool, but for a Lynxmotion heli it should not be necessary. There’s plenty of space under the mounting plate to access the connectors on the bottom of the Q-N. I realize that lots of us (including yours truly) have fat fingers, but there are lots of ways to fit small bits into small spaces. I use a straight “hemostat” to hold nuts in place while tightening their screws.

I didn’t have any problems figuring out how to use the smaller screws to mount the controller to my frame. Other than tightening them too much and cracking the enclosure…that’s my two cents. Keep the change.

Is anyone having problems running the FCT under Windows 7? It installs and runs fine on my Win 8.1 desktop but not on my Win 7 laptop. When I run the setup file I get the brief server dialog box but nothing else. Obviously I run the setup.exe as administrator. Suggestions, anyone?

I’d prefer to run the FCT on my laptop connected either yvia USB or BT.

We tested on W7 so that should not be a problem.
One thing you might want to try is to Un-Install the FCT application and locate the installation folder, than delete it before re-installing the FCT.

The location can be found in:
C:\Users<username>\AppData\Local\Quadrino Tools

Good morning all…!

FCT - Update 12-05-2015.png

I need some help guys because I installed my QN on the top plate

using velcro (in order to move the QN from one model to another) so pointing to have more flexibility than nothing else.

Anyway reading here in the forum and even in other websites I think that is a really bad idea, since velcro is not enough for a rigid contact between frame and board. All vibrations will shake the QN pretty heavly creating problems for the gyro/accelerometers.

BUT I cannot install the QN under the top plate using the screws because of the ESC controller which take most of the place.

What can I do? Are my doubts about velcro right?

Well done!!! I m trying the new software right now!!!

Rather than Velcro have you considered using the two sided adhesive that came with your QN? It won’t be quite as easy to move but it can be moved.

Of course.
But I didn’t want to ruin the small plasic cage of the QN if I need, for some reasons, to move it away from the copter. For that reason I preferred to use Velcro.
But I m reconsidering my choice. Somehow I should remove the Velcro and use something else instead.

Any idea? where to put the ESC controller if I will install the QN in the middle plate of the copter?


The double side tape can be removed from the Quadrino Nano without breaking the casing or even leaving residue.
We did that many times here without issues.

Most people put the ESCs on top and bottom of the tail arm or between the bottom and middle plate if space is available.

We’ve never tested that but a very good Velcro setup could work, if it hold well.

Very nice stands for gps and receiver. Personaly, I like very much top stands for gps and receiver. I think it looks more compact. Very nice work and ideas.

[size=2][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][highlight=#ffffff]Hi All,[/highlight][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][highlight=#ffffff]The Lynxmotion UAV - FCT User Manual V1.0 is now released. As always, constructive feedback’s are appreciated. It start with a “Quick Start” section and than give you all the detailed information about the FCT. Since the FCT is an ongoing project, we will release new guides once we have a new FCT version.[/highlight][/font]
Lynxmotion UAV - Quadrino FCT User Guide V1.0.pdf[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][highlight=#ffffff] (3.60mb)[/highlight][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][highlight=#ffffff]Guides and downloads can be found online on the Lynxmotion website. [/highlight][/font]
Lynxmotion Information / Electronics Guides / UAV/Drone Flight Controller

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][highlight=#ffffff]Eric Nantel - DiaLFonZo[/highlight][/font][/size]

thank you so much for releasing this guide. It helped me to understand a pair of thing I never understood.

Anyway I think there is something not still clear for many people.

Page 8 by selecting otpions for the copter type, one can choose the minimum PWM value for the motors.

Does it mean, that - in a real and optimal configuration - the motors should always running at minimum speed once they get armed?!?!

I think that most of us, set the motors in a way, that once armed they are not running at all. Somewhere I ve read a paper or a tutorial, where in some flight configurations at least one motor could stop running because the minimum is too low. Since the ESC is not fast enough to restart the motor, the copter is going to fall down very quickly and without possibility of recover.

So maybe I thought that for this reason, the motors should be running at minimum speed once armed. Is it right?!?


You’re welcome, we want to explain as much as possible.
The MultiWii project is very versatile and that make it complicated to understand as well.

There are two behavior for the motor when in “Armed” state with MultiWii:

] is Activated / The motor won’t start to spin when the copter is armed. Only when the throttle is high enough./:m]
] is Not Activated / The motor will start to spin at value when the copter is armed./:m]

At the moment the default setting in FCT is activated. We might change that for a future release.
Mostly because you might “Arm” your board without knowing and lift the throttle thinking it was not armed. This will obviously start to spin the motors.

About motor quitting in flight, that’s related to being too low and affect people with the not activated mostly. Since you don’t have a state where the motor spin at that particular value.
This will be moved to the Quick Start for the Quadrino soon, but you can have a look:
I was flying, I banked the copter and it crashed. Is this the wobble-of-death?
FCT - Options Flight - Motor Stop.jpg

Thanks for the reply.
Another question.

The QN is supplied with many different LEDs for showing up the status informations.

As far I could understand:

]Blue LED is the GPS;/:m]
]Green is the QN activated;/:m]
]Orange and Yellow are for telling us that the motors have been armed;/:m]
]Red and Yellow are for UART communication;/:m]
]Red big at the opposite side of the board. This LED lights once and I cannot understand why and when./:m]
I found in this
the labels of the LEDs but no reference to their meanings.

Many thanks!!!


Hi all, i have finished my tricopter but I have a problem. I have connected everything as suppossed but it is not working. It seems that signal is not going to servo. It is powered and triple checked. I have connected servo on D2 motor output. Any info about getting servo to work is appreciated.