I am a noob trying to do my research before buying. I have a mini (LaTrax Alias) and want something bigger, in comes the V-tail 500, looks awesome and I’m thinking I’ll buy the $475 T-Motor package.
My goals:
- I want to improve my aerobatics, the Alias I have is awesome to fly but the wind pushes it around too much, I figure bigger is better in that respect.
- FPV, my Dominator v2 goggles are already on the way, I plan to setup my mini for FPV and use it as my learner. Don’t want to buy something nice and then crash it all up.
- GPS, I want RTH, a solid hover hold, (Naza M v2 calls it Intelligent Orientation Control (IOC)) So whatever does this is what I want, I wanted Naza to work so bad but after reading all the posts it doesn’t appear to be the best choice as of yet.
- Anyone seen more on retracts? I’d love to incorporate those into my build. I hope to eventually get this and mount it on the bottom of the frame. (which is why I was thinking of adding the retracts, to make it taller.) But I also have seen mentions on this forum of a leg redesign, is that something that might actually happen? And how far off?
My delima: I don’t know which Flight Controller to buy. (Suggestions?)
I’m a construction worker, I figure I’ll be able to put it all together but the programming / software side has me spooked. The reason I’m thinking of the $475 package is cause the flight controller your bundle offers won’t meet my goals. Naza won’t work, I looked at this on HobbyKing and emailed their support asking if it supported a vtail which they said it did but he also told me that their was various software you could run on it such as (Multiwii or MegaPirateNG) so now my head is swimming… I start to read the megaPNG forum link he supplied and didn’t see anything about a vtail configuration… so what am I seeking… Is their a flight controller out there that meets my goals above and is somewhat noob friendly and supports the vtail?
Love all the vids, I did zero work today and read this entire forum so my coworkers probably aren’t as appreciative.
btw, T-Motors or the other - that big a deal? I saw a previous post where Eric said the T-Motors were more effiecient I’m more like Tim Thomas from Hometime, More power grunt grunt, so naturally I pick the more expensive cause they must be more powerful right? lol
more thoughts to add, I’m an old guy, so one of my friend’s kids is big into quads (he’s my go-to sorce of knowledge atm, lol) but he keeps pushing open pilot revo and atom, revo would work but the gps isn’t available yet, plus who knows if that supports vtail? Anyone use this? Would recommend it?
lights - I love the lights I’ve seen on these posts, one guy had what looked like a spotlight on the nose and then red stripes on either side, then another guy had what looked like actual port and starboard lights green and red… where do you guys get these from? Are they from anywhere and you just make sure you have the appropriate connector to swap out? After adding lights, and servos, and flight controllers and vtx and etc… how do you know which battery is best? Once again I was going to do the bundle along with the suggested battery but as far as if that’s enough pwr for everything I dunno… lol… I also assume it ALL taps into the lone battery onboard.
component layout? is it “slap it where ever it fits” or is there a suggested component placement? Bad idea to drill into the frame? Use a tap tool so that I can screw stuff down? With all the pictures I’ve seen of Velcro, zipties, and double sided tape I’ll assume drilling into the frame is a bad idea… just wanted to hear it from someone more knowledgable about the subject then me.