Litter-Robot II Advanced Troubleshooting Guide | RobotShop Community

@Randall Maybe you are putting too much litter in your globe? We suggest you to start a cycle and verify it.

I have the litter robot ii and it seems to be functioning properly. Well all except that it doesn’t rotate completely to empty the waste. It rotates in the correct direction and seems to be doing so as designed, however stops right before it would catch the lever to open the waste portals and then rotates back to the beginning station. The cat sensor works properly, the cycle otherwise seems to be alright, and the timing is on point. I can’t understand what needs to be adjusted. I even attempted to have the starting position compensate but the litter robot just self corrected to it’s original placement. Any ideas?

@Tara, it sounds like the sensor harness might be going out, have you verified if the sensor is correctly positioned such as described in the troubleshooting guide? If it is then we would suggest to replace it. If your unit is still under warranty or if it was purchased with us you can contact the Support Center for an RMA# for repair.

My litter robot II has been out of warranty for about a year. in the last few months I’ve noticed that it sounds as if the motor was straining, despite the fact that I take care to not overfill the globe. It also has always gobbled a little (sways forward and back) a bit since the last time it was sent back for repair, while it was under warranty. Not sure if this has anything to do with it. In the last few weeks it gave up rotating to completion and it rotates very very slowly. The globe rotates in the correct direction, but turns back about three seconds before completing the cycle and turns back, with all the dirty litter still in it. No blinking lights ever flash. Just the green light when it goes back to the initial position. I’ve tested the adapter and it reads 15V. What would be your recommendation?.

My problem is the spring loaded doors on the globe are not sealing and when it rotates it droos litter on the floor beside the robot. All other operations are fine. How do I fix this.

@Jeff Turner We suggest you to verify if there’s not any debris stuck behind the spring loaded door. Sometimes, there’s litter around the spring and the door closes badly.

@Lorena If the cycle is way too slow, the problem is caused by the motor. You can simply purchase and replace the motor and it should fix the problem you are experiencing.


I have had issues with the robot for a while. It would begin to cycle then all 3 lights would begin to blink and it would not do anything after that. I tried both troubleshoot guides and have found two things:

  1. The motor appears to be oozing some kind of material and does not appear “normal”.
  2. I am unable to confirm that the power cable that I have is the correct one. The voltage does not appear correct.

I appreciate any help you may be able to offer. Additionally, as I have taken the robot apart, I may need additional instructions for re-assembly.

Thank you for your time.

@Alex If the lights are blinking once per second, it means the Litter-Robot cannot find its home position. If the Litter-Robot seems to be turning slower than normal, it can be caused by either a defective motor or power supply doesn’t supply enough voltage to the unit. If the power supply you are using is less than 15V, than you would need a new power supply. Since the motor is losing oil, we suggest you to change it as well.

You can find the motor here and the power supply here.

You can use this repair guide for the motor installation.

I have a litter robot that my mom bought off of amazon. it’s been working fine until tonight we discovered that it’s not cycling I hit the cycle button and the yellow light turns on then after what would be about the time of a cycle it goes back to green. it does the same thing when I unplug and plug it back in. my thought is that it needs a new motor am I right, or could there be a different problem?

@Brittany Wever The problem you are experiencing seems to be caused by the motor. This will happen when the motor is either defective or the motor connectors are broken.

Hello I have a litter robot to bubble edition. I got mine used off of craigslist. It’s been working OK for the year so that I’ve had it. However, lately the motor has been sounding loud and and rough. Previously a couple times the globe would stop turning but I thought that was on account of the globe not engaging with the gear correctly. Today, it stopped spinning completely. When I power cycled the device the gear twirls the tiniest amount. The Amber middle light lights up at that point and it just sits there doing nothing. I’ve power cycled the device several times and roll and had the same issue. I also tried letting it sit for a while and turning it back on and still the same thing happened. I don’t have a volt meter to be able to test whether the circuitboard or motor are receiving the correct voltages. I’ve taken out the drawer and checked for obstructions to the motor or gear and found none.

I’m thinking based on the previous motor noise that this could possibly be a motor and replacing the motor would fix the issue. I really enjoyed reading through the different questions and very helpful answers that have been posted on the site in the past. I was hoping you could help me diagnose the issue so that way I can get it repaired.

Thank you.

Love my litter robot! The motor runs continuously but the globe doesn’t turn at all. When I lift the globe, the gear appears loose and doesn’t turn if I touch it (or doesn’t turn at all, period) The gear is loose and can be moved side to side with little pressure. What to do?

@Jennie B The motor can be caused by either the motor, which would be seized, or the cat sensor / safety line sensor. We suggest you to verify if the cat sensor is installed correctly. When you press down on the Litter-Robot, you should hear the sensor click. If both sensors look good, the issue you have is likely caused by a defective motor.

@Alison Westbrook The gear needs to be tighten on the motor. To do so, you should see an hex bolt near the gear. Use an hex key and tight it up on the motor.

Hello. My litter robot I just got from a friend who said it was working fine. I installed it and the yellow light is flashing rapidly and making a faint ticking sound. What’s going on? It didn’t do the initial cleaning cycle or anything. I have the Bubble version, not open air.

@Quanesha This problem is caused by a bad/defective power adapter. We suggest you to purchase a new one and it will fix the issue.

My litter robot will cycle but not on its on. I adjusted the sensor and when you step on the step the light goes to red but then it does nothing. Can you help?

@Meredith It should cycle after 7 minutes, after being triggered. If it doesn’t does it returns to green?

I got my litter robot from my parents about 6 weeks ago. I think it’s about a year old. It’s started having this issue while cycling where it will do a full CCW to dump waste, pause, and then continue rotating CCW for a couple of inches then stop, rather than cycling clockwise back to the home position. The yellow light will flash every second and the cycle will not resume.