Litter-Robot II Advanced Troubleshooting Guide | RobotShop Community

@Debbie, is there any lights when the globe is turning or no lights at all? The fact that the globe does not stop this could be caused by the hall effect sensor which can be found here. If your Litter-Robot was purchased with us it might still be under warranty, in this case we suggest that you contact our support center.

I’ve been using the litter robot for years and have been really happy. Today however, the yellow light is on all the time and the robot keeps cycling, empty, leveling, recycling and so on. Any idea what might cause the issue?

@Faustine, please confirm, your robot is doing all the cycle over and over again without stopping between each cycle? Or the globe only turns in one direction and never stops? If it is the first option in this case you might have a problem with the circuit board. As for the second option it might have something to do with the sensor harness. If you have purchase the robot with us it might still be under warranty. You can contact our Support Center in this case.

I’ve been having several issues. Here is the latest issue, the robot cycles twice and it stops in the wrong place then all the lights start blinking. Any ideas. I have replaced the harness and motor. Are the motors refurbished or new? Thanks

@Marisa The motor are new, these are not refurbished. We suggest you to verify the harness connections and make sure the hall effect sensor is correctly installed. You can verify the connections with our repair guide.

I’ve had the litter robot 2 for a few years now and it’s been great up until last week. Now it will sometimes complete a cycle and sometimes just stop rotating mid cycle with the normal yellow light on for cycling.
The motor does not sound like its struggling. Unit is always clean and dry. Sensors seem to work when it is rotating - cat sensor will stop it. And then it resumes.
Just seems to be random.
I’ve had the occasional 3 lights on the machine but this problem is different. It’ll just stop w the yellow cycle light on. Even sometimes it’ll start again and stop several times mid cycle - as if someone is tripping the sensors.
Any ideas?

@Eric The problem you are experiencing is hard to diagnose since it is not constant. The problem can be caused by the motor or the sensor harness.

Maybe it wasn’t clear. Only happens when it cycles. Yellow light comes on during a cycle but sometimes the motor just stops mid cycle. After several seconds or even a minute, it continues the cycle. It acts as if a cat is triggering the sensor. (They use to trip the sensor nonstop because they were interested in it). Now it stops and starts on its own. Sometimes several days go by and it’s fine. Some times it does it over and over.

@Eric In this case, please verify the cat sensor switch. Remove the black cover and verify the metal part. Maybe the metal part is bend upward and doesn’t make good contact with the switch. In this case, we would suggest you to unscrew completely the knob underneath your robot, disassemble the cat sensor, turn the metal part and reassemble the cat sensor. Let us know how it goes.

Hi my problem is that the litter robot starts to rotate but will turn off randomly during rotation and then doesn’t come on at all, then will randomly come back on and start rotating again. I’m assuming it is the power supply?

@Ian, yes it could be the power supply it can also be the power jack on the base of the Litter-Robot. You can find this part here. To verify this you can wiggle the wire where it plugs in the base, if it goes on and off while wiggling than the power jack is defective.

I was wondering if this problem might be caused by a damaged Hall effect sensor. My litter robot II 's yellow light is rapidly flashing and the motor is turning the wheel slowly in a jagged fashion. The HES 's white stripe is facing outwards. I don’t know how to tell if maybe it is damaged or not. The power supply is 15v and I verified its output with a voltmeter.
All connections seem secure. Do you think this is because of a bad HES or maybe something else?

@Mary This problem is usually caused by a defective power supply. If the Litter-Robot seems to turn on and off rapidly, the problem is caused by the power supply, which cannot give enough current and turns on and off rapidly. We suggest you to replace your power supply.

The power supply was verified by a voltmeter to be giving out 15v consistently as I mentioned before. Would there still be a problem with the power supply even if it is outputting the required 15v? It isn’t turning on and off. The wheel is turning slowly in a jagged manner. The yellow in use/cycling light is flashing rapidly.
I randomly tried checking the voltage on the motor connections and both show ~15v as well.
I am not sure if I even did it right but I tried checking the voltage on the cat sensor clip and that showed ~4volts. Again, I don’t know if I did that part correctly since I couldn’t get the connections out by themselves and just touched the metal near them.

Nevermind ha. I just tried a 12v power supply I had laying around and it worked. I will be buying a new 15v power supply later. Thank you!

Used your step by step directions and was able to replace motor and wire harness in my cats litter robot 2. When I connected the litter robot to power supply yellow soild light then red solid light motor would not turn. Thankfully, I had not put the top andd bottom together. Read coustomer feedback re connected the cat sensors and vola motor spins like a charm. YEA ME…
Reattached the top to the bottom pluged into power supply again just to be sure still runs YEA ME…HighFive myself.
Thank you for clear step-by-step instructions.

@Michelle Thank you for your great comment! We are happy that you were able to repair your unit!

I seem to be wasting a lot of litter in the pan below. My robot is 6yrs old any idea what is wrong.

Mu robot won’t cycle automatically after my cats use it. I have wait time setting to 7 minutes works manually.

@Quintus Verify the cat sensor micro switch connections. Also, verify the sensitivity of the sensor, by pressing down on the Litter-Robot. Maybe you need adjust the sensitivity.