Litter-Robot II Advanced Troubleshooting Guide | RobotShop Community

Considering we’ve received a huge response on our Litter-Robot II Basic Troubleshooting Guide, we’ve decided to help our customers further by creating this advanced troubleshooting guide. This guide will help you with opening up the Litter-Robot II to verifying connections of the motor and circuit board.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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all three lights are blinking rapidly and bowl is slightly off center. Obviously, lights blinking indicated power source is OK. We received the box 4 years ago as a gift (along with the necessary cat) and it has worked well. Suggestions or a beginning point.

@Richard Creelman We suggest you to verify the Basic Troubleshooting guide, which you can find linked on top in this blog. Three lights blinking indicates there’s maybe obstructions preventing the globe from turning. Follow the steps indicated in the basic troubleshooting guide.

Our fairly new litterrobot has been acting up over the past week. Started out by not self cleaning, requiring restarts. Tonight the light are off and the unit appears to be completly dead. Unplugging does not have any impact.

@Michael If you have purchased the robot with us, we suggest you to contact us via the support center with all the information related to this robot. It can be caused by the circuit board or the power supply. If it wasn’t purchased with us, verify the power supply with a voltmeter to verify if there’s voltage, it should indicated between 12 to 18V. If you do have voltage, the problem should be caused by the circuit board.

I got my Litter Robot back from you guys about 2 months ago. It was not working at that time. So you guys fixed it and gave it a tune-up. After several weeks, the LR has begun cycling in the wrong direction almost every time it is activated. What the heck is going on?!

Great troubleshooting guides! I just have one hopefully quick question. On the Robot II motor, the black gear is attached to a metal rod that comes out from the motor itself via a small black holding screw. Do you know the exact bit size needed to work with that screw that holds the gear in place? I’ve gone through my collection, taking the base apart was easy but I can’t find anything that is an exact match for that one. I can use a less optimal screw to temporarily tighten it so it works for a few days/weeks but then it gets loose again, once the gear is loose it can’t turn the globe because the weight just holds it in place while the motor turns.

@Jen Can you please contact us via the Support Center? We’ll verify what’s been done on your Litter-Robot. It’s seems it’s either a problem with a sensor or the motor.

@Mike The small set screw has a 1/4" thread.

When I turn unit on the motor does nothing and the yellow light stays solid for about 15 secs and then the red light begins blinking consistently. Any suggestions?

@LeRoy Have you verified the cat sensor? The problem you are experiencing is either a problem from a triggered sensor or the motor / motor connections are bad.

We have determined our Hall effect sensors are bad – the product markings don’t seem to match anything available to purchase here or at other electronics retailers. Does anyone know which exact sensors we need?

@Mandy We do not sell the the hall effect sensors alone, but they are included in the Litter-Robot 2 Sensor Harness :

Bought mine in August and have loved it, but now it seems to not be cycling automatically. I am a multiple cat household and thought maybe they were entering before it had a chance to, Yesterday and today when I got up the bonnet contained muliple cat deposits and I have had to cycle manually. I tried to reset timer by pressing & holding Empty. Only flashed red and then emptied the litter completely. I also timed it after cat exit for 3, 7, and 15 minutes. It was not cycling automatically at all. Please help. I love it and don’t want a defective product.

@Donna If the Litter-Robot doesn’t detect any cat, then the problem is caused by the cat sensor. We suggest you to verify how to properly configure it. You can take a look at our basic troubleshooting guide, #4 :

My litter robot does not travel the full range of motion in either direction. it stops before the doors open when trying to empty

We have had our litter robot for many years, now, and have been very happy with it. Currently, however, the globe will move through a partial cycle, then stop. There is nothing blocking it’s rotation, and nothing blocking the gears. Even without the globe in place, if I turn the machine off and back on, it makes the little noise as if it is trying to start, but doesn’t do anything. To me, it seems that the motor just can’t handle the job, anymore. What are your thoughts? Do we need to get a new motor??? When it does kick on, the gear is turning great, it just stops at random spots (upside down, sideways, nothing consistent).

@Laura Sometimes, it can be caused by a sensor as well. Have you verified if the cat sensor or safety line sensor trigger correctly? If so, then the problem may be caused by the motor.

@Kevin Have you verified if the magnetic sensor is correctly in place?

The globe turns in one direction only (counter clockwise) and will not stop unless unplugged. No lights on at all on the control panel.