How To Build A Simple Robot | RobotShop Community

Its JuSt So CoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooL
ThAt I CoUlD LeArN AbOuT “RoBoTzzzzzzzzz” … ThAnX A LoT…

require website of robot

i want to build a robot, i want information about this???/

hmmmmmm that is tuff

and people want easy ones

and people will want easy ones not hard ones

omg is that all it will take me lots of days just to build that its so tuff
people will think it is so hard

Nice Robo well i had made a terminator robot with a little programming knowledge and a lot of money yeah and 1 old cpu , with parts

really this website helps us a lot in building a robot.
this manual helps to know each and every part of robot

a new real robot for free

pleas send a real robot to viganager 3 stage in mysore
a big robot which do everthik in 1 second

pleas send a real robot to mysore

whoever scrolls down thiss far needs a life

says the person who scrolled down this far

It was nice, however i made one. It took almost 5 days. Try it .


what a backwas bot

wow its a amazing site to the beginners and also to the developers . I am sure that this site will inspire all students in this technology .

                                                                                     thanks to friends,
                                                                                              Suman Ghosh
                                                                            call                 03462220801
                                                                             me                9734230505

it is a very interesting webpage

sir im 10 yrs old and never made a robo
so can u help me to make simplest robot

sir,i am btech 2 yr student from information technology.i have never made a robot…
but am keen interested in making it.please help me,how can i start with simplest robot.