Hi everybody, I would like to build a sculpture that rides on 4 electric rollers. It should be able to move around freely in a museum but should be able to be set so that it does not hit other objects in the room. Do you have any good tips? Thank you very much! J
Hello @Johannis and welcome to the RobotShop community,
Are you looking to build it and need help selecting the components or are you looking for a platform that you could use for the project?
In any case, it would be great if you could provide the following information:
- How much weight will the platform have to carry?
- Are you planning or controlling it remotely or do you want it to be fully autonomous?
If you are looking to build it by yourself here are some great guides that could help you:
If you are looking for a robotic platform to use you can find some great options in the Defense, Security, Surveillance & Inspection section of the store, for example:
And because you mentioned obstacle avoidance I think you should also check the Infrared & Ultrasonic Distance Sensors comparison list as well as these guides:
I hope that helps!
Dear @geraldinebc15
thank you very much!
I am not very good it in building technical stuff, so the easiest way would be best for me.
- the platform would have to carry 5 kg max (11 ibs)
- The exhibition would be unsupervised most of the time, so the robot sculpure would have move around freely. I guess that means that it would need a laser or programming in order not to move into other objects
Any recommendations specific to these characteristics?
Thanks again!!!
Perfect then the best would be to get a rover with distance sensors, or just the rover and add the distance sensors yourself (although this would require programming)
Do you have a budget in mind?
What is the size of the object it has to carry?
As I previously mentioned you can find some great options in the Defense, Security, Surveillance & Inspection section, or if your budget is a bit lower you can check the Wheeled & Tracked Robots section.
Some great options are: