Hey there guys,A week earlier, our fantastic LMR member Lumi was kind enough to sponsor me a gripper arm and a pan tilt bracket (for 3DOF). I was planning to use it in a project for a local exhibition. More on that soon! Let's see how the shipping went.The goods were shipped on the 6th of March ( T…
Hey there guys. This post is outdated. Visit https://www.robotshop.com/letsmakerobots/node/39972 for the updated tutorial.Hello LMRians,In this writeup, I will try to create a tutorial for tuning your robot using PID to follow a line. This tutorial won't go deep down into the details of PID an…
So my polargraph had come to a halt, i had it running a processing sketch on a pc, and extracting shade data from images one pixel at a time. it had some cooool effects, im really happy with it but its time to move on.I found i can convert a line/vector drawing to GCode in Inkscape, and as GCode is…
Problem Statement: Arduino UNO is the most prolific version of Arduino board, and runs at 5v DC. It's I2C interface (Analog pins A4 and A5) will drive to 5v.Raspberry Pi runs at 3.3v. Both of it's I2C interfaces run at 3.3v.I2C devices purchased through Spark…
Robot Localization Making a Robot know where it is I started looking into localization for use with sandbot but there have been many other things that conspired to prevent me progressing with it. I put it here as a placeholder and will come back to this when I have more time to think about it.. Int…