Wigglebot Bug


Wigglebot Bug is a little robot insect.

Wigglebots the genesis of the robots are analog and use the basic concepts of mechanics to move. They are even more fun when they get together for a different ride. It flashes bright eyes and move in various directions to get tired legs. Just shut it down and after a short rest he is ready to ride again.









Tools that you need:

Item Image
Soldering Iron
Nose Plier
Cutting Plier
Super Glue


































Item Qty. Image
Mini-Motor  01
Coin Bat. Holder  01
3 Volt Coin Bat.  01
Flashing LED  02
Switch  01
Clips  02
Junction  02



How to assemble

Step 1:

Cut the clips as shown in the images


Step 2:

Fold the larger piece of the clip (right in picture above) as indicated.
The result will be the "legs" of Wigglebot.





Step 3:

Cut the remaining piece of the clip as shown.




Step 4:

Screw one of the "legs" to the Junction as indicated.



Step 5:

Screw the second "leg" + remaining bit of the clip to the other Junction as shown.






Step 6:

Screw the "legs" to the coin battery holder as shown.






Step 7:

Glue the Mini-Motor to the coin battery holder as shown.



Step 8:

Solder the red wire of the Mini-Motor "leg" as indicated.


Step 9:

Insert and solder the switch as shown.


Step 10:

Solder the blue wire of the Mini-Motor on the switch as shown.






Step 11:

Solder the longer terminals of the LEDs at the top of the battery holder as indicated.






Step 12:

Solder the shorter terminals of the LEDs at the bottom of the battery holder,
on the same terminal of the switch where the blue wire is, as indicated.





Last step :)

Insert the Battery in Battery Holder.
Your Wigglebot BUG is ready to take a ride! Switch on and have fun!











This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/wigglebot-bug

Well documented. Well

Well documented. Well crafted. Thank’s for sharing…

…and welcome to LMR.


This is a great post. You did one of the best jobs of showing every step that I have seen on this site. Your really setting quite a standard here. Great robot!




wow! great post…

Nice one M. :slight_smile:

Nice one M. :slight_smile:

well, i have seen much more

well, i have seen much more complicate robots but your construction manual beats them all. Well done :wink: I still have one set of these in my bag waiting for me to bring it to life :wink:

Much better than

Much better than Instructables :slight_smile:

Thank you!

Thanks guys, these comments are a great incentive !

Now there is a video showing how fun is the wigglebot running :wink:


Cool, we all love videos

Cool, we all love videos :slight_smile:

BTW, do you have any details about your solar tracking system which i have seen in your other videos?

I am highly interested.

This page is in Spanish

This page is in Spanish (easily translatable) but iI guess this is what you’re looking for lumi http://opensolarcircuits.cc/?p=399

Thanks, that’s easy with

Thanks, that’s easy with google translate :wink:

I see you are using the tiny solar panels as tracker. Nice idea and even power efficient since they also produce power.


This project was not well documented, too much stress over there :slight_smile: there were a lot of things to do and get ready to the final exposition…In fact we used the tiny cells only as light sensors. The big challenge was the code of course! Thank you for your kind comments!

Coincidence :wink:

I was also proposed and made ​​this project during the workshop in Interactivos’10 at MediaLab Prado - Madrid in 2010.


A solar tracker is already

A solar tracker is already in my mind but could not decide how to track yet. The idea with the small solar panels seems quite good.

Nice Robot!!!
it is one of the best small and cheap robot liked it.

Perfect Instructions!

Really, perfect Instruction! It made me register to LMR, finally, just now!

I closely watched LMR already a bit. But your work is great!

Do I understand right, that there has to be a conductive link between the front and rear legs?



Question about the Junction!

What is the exact name of the junction you used in the demonstration in the picture?

Where can I buy this junction?



The “swarm” increases…

Well, following the instructions and using what I had at hand I made (finished) my own wigglebot last night :slight_smile:


P.S. - The clear duct tape is just there to hold two piggybacked CR1260 batteries (since they are smaller than the holder) because I did not have any charged CR2032 at hand to use :( 

Look good!

Btw, where do you got those color flashing LED from? which online store