
This robot is called Wheelee. It is simple inverted pendulum robot made on arduino.


  • L3G gyro
  • LSM303 accelerometer

Motor driver: DualVNH5019MotorShield

Firmware, Matlab model, Android application and some articles are on Github repository

Balances on two wheels

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/wheelee


Thanks for posting the video, code, and pdfs. I don’t read Russian but it looks like you put a lot of effort into understanding and documentating the mathmetics of inverted pendulums. Did the physical implementation closely follow the Matlab model?


Well, as I am interested in

Well, as I am interested in self balancing stuff I woulod like to see a bit more techniucal details like what sensors are you using and how you mastered the programming. The video shows an impressive reliability.

Yes, it was close, but I

Yes, it was close, but I have to modify some coefficients on my own.