Walter 2.1 Walter Gets His Voice!

*** Update 9.27.09 ***


Well, it has happened! Walter has gotten his voice... I was a bit surprised however, he is American made but is English brains still remember thier origins it seems! Who knew that Walter was English?

Watch the top video...



Hey Folks,

I know it has been a while since my last Walter update. Been busy. This is really not quite a proper post, with tons of details, but really, I just need to get something up. The video is pretty self-explanatory and I will have another one up soon showing the remote.

For past Walter posts:

Go Here

Go Here

That's it for now --Some pictures below and more soon.

--Hey Frits, Now that I finally did an update post, does you offer still stand? (Will Walter ever talk?)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

good to see what youve been upto all this while,
whalters making good progress
Tom J

Walter rocks!
Walter rocks!

The eyes on walter 2.0 are sweet! Nice job!

heh, saw the video last
heh, saw the video last night. Aside from all the impressive tech and boards, the chassis looks much nicer now that its been filled in. Also the LED eyes are awesome. Keep the updates coming.

Cool progress!
Like the head. Can you make the eyes blink?

Blink? That’s nuthin’

Each eye has 2 leds, red and blue (high output). Each of those 4 leds can be independantly controlled via pwm and/or switched on or off via transistor. Blinking, winking, back-and-forth, disco, color fades, red on one side-blue on the other and every color in between. They can do anything!

Not to mention, they can produce any color from red to blue PLUS any colour from red to blue.



Offtopic: Did you try the (A OR B) = NOT (NOT (A) AND NOT (B)) interrupt thingy?

I fought it for about a week…
I finally got sick of it and figured out a work-around. In the end I got done what I needed to get done, but it was just not as tight a solution as I wanted.

ir beacon
Looking great? Your o8m beacon is just doing IROUT the whole time?


Yeah, the 08M is simply spitting out a constant signal with a little pause. Something like:


serout stuff

pause 10

goto main


That’s it.

I’d do it… I mean…



In your video you said you designed the board and had sparkfun make them, are they producing to sell? or just kind of like a PCB service?


For the eyes, why not use RGB Leds?:smiley: That way you can make nearly any color but I’m not too sure they do colour for you “propper” people!

I like the neck design too, that’s sick!


5 outta 5 for sheezy! We want more updates. :slight_smile:



OMG! I seen your homemade propane drum in the background of the first picture… Why isn’t it programmed to do the YDM, but more like… RDMWBAE(Rustic Drum Machine With Badass Eyes)! Throw some extra servos on and set that bad boy to drum on your propane drums!! :smiley:


3 color leds and pcb’s…

In terms of the 3 color eyes… I only have 2 pwm outputs from the 28x1 that controls them. From that, I added a transistor on each which sorta turned these 2 pwm outputs into 4. I do this by switching the transistors off and on fast enough that your eye can’t see the change. Kind of a poor-man’s pwm done through code. If I was using 3-color leds it is just that much more to control. I have had my eye on some 3-way led’s that sparkfun has that are i2c controlled but just don’t have the dough. It would be nice though, and would clean up my code quite a bit if I was just sending out i2cslave commands.

In terms of the pcb… When I designed them (using PCB123) my goal was to make a very tidy, small board with EVERYTHING being a servo connection. Of course, screw terminals for the motors and power in. Also I added some leds to indicate if my main motors were on and/or reversed. --This helps a ton for debuging (with the drive battery unplugged) where I can see which way it would be going without it actually driving around.

I drew up the boards and sent the gerbers and drill files to Sparkfun’s pcb service… They are very cheap, specialize in one-off single boards (although you can buy as many as you like) and came out great. I did have to wait a while to get them but in the end I got all those boards (main board, button board, and 5 break-outs for my IR receivers) for about $50. The design is still on file with them so if I or anyone else wants one you can order more. If you are interested, I can give you the info --anyone can get a copy of any board made by them. There is even a search option. Expect a month to get them.

how much would it cost for like…
2 sided board, about 2 in by 3 in?

You DO have the internet, right?
Just a thought… Google sparkfun, go there and find thier PCB service… I’ll bet you a hundred bucks that there you are just a few clicks from the answers you seek…

Chris, you are amazing!!
Chris, you are amazing!!

Thank you frits…
I learned everything from you, sir.

Again: amazing
That must be the amazing part! :wink:

WOW. Just when i thought
WOW. Just when i thought Walter was at the peak of awesome it turns out he is still going up to the summit. Did you come up with the ipod thing? A walk through would be sweet :slight_smile:

ROFL!(And Chris, seriously;


(And Chris, seriously; I dig totally what you do! And there is no way I can take credit for anything but discovering Picaxe before you did yourself, please :slight_smile: