
So here's my first robot. It's based on Insect robot from MAKE : Arduino Bots and Gadgets. I've used Arduino Nano. For now I'm still improving walking of the robot. I'm also thinking of addind few more sensors such as light or temperature sensor

Walks around and avoid obstacles

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 servos
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: Arduino Nano 168
  • Operating system: Arduino IDE
  • Power source: 4x AA (1.2V) for powering the servo's, 9V battery powering the arduino
  • Programming language: arduino/wiring
  • Sensors / input devices: IR distance sensor
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/walker

Very cool. I’ve been

Very cool. I’ve been thinking about making one of these (or a similar hexapod). Figuring out the walking gaits looks like the biggest challenge.

Thanks :). Yeah assembling

Thanks :). Yeah assembling wasn’t that hard but making that thing walk was.

Here are some similar ones

Here are some similar ones for comparison:

Thanks IG I just wanted to

Thanks IG I just wanted to refer to my little guy too.

I built the same and used

I built the same and used the code in the magazine since it was also my first robot. After modifying the code and the hardware it was done and my “insect bot” did move quite good.

Well done

Thanks. I’ve seen your robot

Thanks. I’ve seen your robot it’s cool