
Alrighty, so this is the slapped together voodoobot(not running just yet). I'm working on a possible conversion to a tracked version(using vex track kit) for ease of movement vs wheeled motion(3 point turns are a pain) but will do a test with the wheels.

[The start]


So originally this was one of those rc spycars, came with a micro vid transmitter and reciever(on the radio transmitter). I've pulled the electronics from the main boards and am working on making it standalone so I can integrate it into future projects. Not bad for a car that was $50 on amazon when it was on sale. A note on the reciever, the board for the camera had a couple of interesting pins, data,1,2,3 and audio pins that are not being used....If I ever find any info on these, I'd love to integrate them.

head set and receiver

Also, there is a way to integrate a standard rca connector onto this device for video output to a tv(ntsc or pal). If I can, I'll see about setting this up so I can capture some video...this would be pretty cool. :)As it is, I just have the glasses headset.


-[Work in progress]-

So far, I've gutted the shell, removed all of the electronics and am looking to fit my gear in it for some test runs.I'm loooking to possibly salvage the motor driver as it worked well with the car.

As I mentioned before, I'm going to try to use the wheels first, but I don't like the fact that the rear is a solid axel. I'm used to a rear diff setup(offroad rc cars) but this still has some potential. The front steering is a bit shallow, so that will have to be modified to allow for a tighter turning radius. I'll be adding the steering setup from an rc car.

I'm also waiting on some electronics from mouser for the vid gear.

The placement of the ir sensor in the front mid section seems to work and doesn't get affected by the low slope of the body. It'll be a fixed positsion sensor and only check for direct frontal obstacles.

ir sensor


The ping sensor was just placed on top of the cam as a test location(double stick tape, yay).I've got some ir detectors that I'll be using for a future project where this bot will be navigating based on a series of beacons(sentry style). This will most likely placed on the same mount as the ping sensor.

The camera placement will most likely stay in the back and since it can be angled up, it shouldn't be an issue for it being so far back.depending on if I want the camera to be movable(rotated around)I may pull it out of the houseing. One note, the housing contained a large IR transmitter that wasn't connected, so thats going to be another item to hookup and see how it affects night vision. It'll be trigered by an ldr so it's not on all of the time.

I'm looking at making a couple of the FritsLDR sensors from the direct front spanning out like a V to detect large objects in front of the wheels. One would also be pointing directly in front to detect either a large obstical or nothing.....goatta avoid holes and such!Also may add one additional one to the rear.

As I don't have a lot of time, this project is not going to be updated that often, but I will add progress as I get things up and running.



transmits video, uses multiple types of sensors for navigation

  • Control method: autononmous, possible rf/rc
  • CPU: Picaxe 14m, picaxe08m(multiple), possible bs2
  • Power source: 6xAA
  • Programming language: picbasic/pbasic
  • Sensors / input devices: PING))) sonar, gp2d12 sensor, FritsLDR
  • Target environment: indoors/outdoors/small areas

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/voodoobot

**looks very profesional :slight_smile: **
looks very profesional :slight_smile: and hard to believe that was 100$


Thanks, the shell is new so

Thanks, the shell is new so I guess that gives it a nice appearance. :slight_smile:

well, so far the breakdown is…

spycar(on sale mind you, I really lucked out) 45 with shipping(bought other stuff so thats sort of split shipping)

16 -2 picaxe 08m, 8 each with the proto board

4 14m -

25 - ping

10 - gp2d12

2 - FritsLDR(I have the components already so not sure how much they cost

I’m still iffy on the bs2 at the moment so that isn’t included.

The servos came from a wrecked rc plane a friend of mine had…so…free for me :slight_smile:

the rc steering components will be from some parts cars I had laying around.

The small components I have on order for getting the cam to work was around 5 bux…

If I convert it to tracked, that’ll add quite a bit to it…so we’ll see. :slight_smile:

thats sick… tell me the
thats sick… tell me the site u got the spycar from

…with tracks

The new Wild Planet video car has tracks…


…price high right now…


Where did you get yours ?

yep, that was a bit pricey
yep, that was a bit pricey for me…then again, if I mod this to have tracks, it might just cost as much… :confused:

That’s what I think. Maybe

That’s what I think.

Maybe if you can keep the shell and use te tamiya track and wheel, …but you would have to change motors…
would be like 20$ for both… cheaper than the Vex

Amazon, but the price has

Amazon, but the price has gone up on it since i got it…if you look online periodicly, you’ll see it go for around 45- 55 or so. I really lucked out. I’ll see if I can find the receipt as it was a 3rd party seller on the site…they might have em that cheap still.

[Edit] so I looked at my online reciept and it was through a company called rocket auctions inc(search amazon for them). They are a liquidator, so they may never have it again…just thought I’ve let ya’ll know.[end edit]

I have a set of the tamiya

I have a set of the tamiya already, they seem too flimsey to me. I don’t think they’d be able to support this vehicle especially while turning. The tracks are a bit too narrow as well.


Mattracks from the

Mattracks from the Radio-Shack Hummer would be nice… :slight_smile:

It would still be a 4 "wheel"(tracks) …but what a look…

I saw a bot that used a pair

I saw a bot that used a pair before…they made two bots out of the kit :slight_smile:

They don’t seem to be too available, but they are cheap on ebay…


that thing looks really

that thing looks really cool

great project

It looks like there is an
It looks like there is an audio version of this car as well. since you have those pins it might be possible that they just add a camera for the video one or a mic for the audio one. might be worth it to try hooking up a mic and speaker. Be nice to find out if that works cause it might be possible to buy the audio version (~$50 less) and add one of those cheap cameras.

It came with the audio car
It came with the audio car as well(albeit a smaller version)…I haven’t taken that apart yet.

Video transmitter?

In your car what model number is on your video transmitter?



The transmitter from the car

The transmitter from the car was RW67TX-NA03 with a build date I assume of 200705-001<–group number?

The one out of the tank is the same except with the build date of 200808-002

Also since I pulled the tranmitter and reciever out of their original components I had to build that hardware.

This is what it looked like.

The board has since been trimmied to the size of the transmitter board itself with a dremel tool so it’s not the big square anymore.

I have video of the camera setup working(vid cam up to the eye piece) but I have yet to post that as I’m included in some of it. :smiley:

**The video transmitter and receiver **
Can you please share the schematic you used for the “breakout” boards for the transmitter and receiver? I have the tank version and can’t seem to identify the small smd components!

Still stuck
I have the transmitter working but still can’t seem to get the receiver wired correctly :confused: if it isn’t too big of a favor could you post the schematic you used? Or do you have the data sheet for the receiver ? Thanks in advance for all the help

I’ll have to look for it as

I’ll have to look for it as it was on a piece of paper, I have no eta on being able to find it. I could possibly take some closeup shots of the board and you could work on something based on that.

Pictures of your circuit
Pictures of your circuit would be amazing! And possibly a parts list if you can remember what you used, if not that’s alright! Thanks for all the help, its a ton of help